Today I Learned
Useful little things I have learned
71 TILs and counting...
- ansible
- caddy
- calibre
- docker
- git
- gpg
- kubernetes
- letsencrypt
- linux
- neomutt
- networking
- pihole
- python
- raspberry-pi
- reverse-proxy
- selfhosting
- shell
- ssh
- terminal
- termux
- tmux
- vim
- vpn
- web
- windows
- Update existing images with docker-compose
- Add DNS server to Docker
- Get UFW working with Docker
- Sharing an SSH Agent between a host machine and a Docker container
- Setting up a nginx directory listing with docker compose
- Run docker container interactively with bash
- Run a docker container using cronjob on the host
- Set docker log size
- Change the author name and email for multiple commits
- Clear Git History
- Creating and applying patches
- Git cheatsheet
- Use GPG to sign old commits
- How to merge multiple git repositories and keep commit history
- Merge two git repositories and keep history
- Migrate git repo from one host to another
- Setup multiple git identities & git user informations
- Removing Sensitive Data from Git History
- How to split a subdirectory to a new git repo while keeping history
- Disable authentication delay
- Create compressed encrypted archives with tar and gpg
- Environmental Variables in cron
- Using dig and host
- Increase login attempts
- Setup gnome keyring
- Modify LUKS iter-time on existing luks partition
- How to Mount Windows Share on Linux using CIFS
- Convert multi-line ssh public key to one-line for .ssh/authorized_keys
- Set up device as NTP server
- Running Systemd Service as User Rather Than Root
- Change systemd-boot timeout
- Unlock user after too many failed sudo attempts
- Allow commands to be run without password (visudo - NOPASSWD)
- Set defaults for extensions using xdg-mime
- Using a list of dictionaries as variables to render a jinja2 template
- How to open an jinja2 template from a file
- Using virtual environment in Jupyter Notebook
- Bash git prompt
- Better Bash tab completion
- Create and populate an array of directories in bash
- How to Use xargs on Linux
- Mount an external harddrive as local user
- Sweep pings in a certain subnet
- Run sudo commands over ssh
- Test if DHCP is working
- Run sudo commands without passwords