This is React app that can work with online shop of food allowing users to register, log in, view and select products, place orders.
- Go to the folder on your PC where you want to install the project:
cd "your-folder"
- Download and install files of this project:
git clone
- Go to the app folder:
cd burgers-site
- Install all needed dependencies:
npm install
- Start json-server:
npm run start-back
- Open second terminal in the same path and run the app:
npm run start
- Javascript
- React
- Formik + Yup
- React Rouder DOM
- useState, useEffect, useCallback
- Custom hooks
- Custom HOC
- Fetch API
- Promises
- Async / Await
- GET / POST / PUT methods
- JSON-server
- LocalStorage
- Modules (import / export)
- Webpack
- Babel
- uuid