Functional programming is well of their types systems that allows to do many checks in compile time. Java also has same mechanism but in native use it's much weaker than analogues. This library gives opportunities to do more checks in Java (mostly for generic types).
Also in functional programming is based on some mathematical theory Theory of Types or Category Theory. They have useful concepts that can decently help to avoid deep mistakes or they simply makes some problems easy. So, in this library are implemented a part of them: Functor, Applicative, Monad, Alternative, etc; and their instances such as Maybe, Either, [], NonEmpty, etc.
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Safe context
Everything is based on Java
Fucntion <In, Out>
s which is default functional interface. In library it's extended by interfaceF
that makes safe context for function.// Imagine that we want to assign to String variable some value as // a result of execution of function :: a -> a. // The default Java variant Function <?, ?> $ = a -> a; String s = (String) $.apply ("abc"); // It's OK, no problem // But at least it needs an explicit cast Object to String // And another problem is when we do this String ss = (String) $.apply (2); // Compiler will admit this // But in runtime it will cause ClassCastException // The solution in library - safe context String sss = F.$$ (a -> a, "2"); // It's OK, no problem String ssss = F.$$ (a -> a, 2); // During the compilation will be risen error: // Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to String
Why it's important and useful?
Modern IDE for Java can intercept such errors and underline code with error. The programmer will be notified about error before the running code. And it increases the reliability of program.
Base functions
In function programming there is some set of functions that is commonly used. Here is example of use of some of them:
// This functions are declared in fp.core.Base class // ($) or id function :: a -> a Integer number = F.$$ (Base.$ (), 0x54); // Result: number == 0x54 // const :: a -> b -> a int [] array = F.$$ (Base.cst (), new int [4], "anything"); // Result: array == [0, 0, 0, 0] // flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c String concat = $$ (Base.flip (), a -> b -> "" + a + b, "A", 2); // Result: concat == "2A"
P.S. unfortunately in Java there is no way to avoid
for receiving functions and programmer should just take it as is. -
In functional programming there is a construction that named Functor (haskell) that generalizes the map function on lists and uniforms action over a parameterized type.
// Functor is interface which is placed in fp.core.control.Functor // The simplest implementation can look as bellow public class FunctorImpl <T> implements Functor <T> { protected final T VALUE; public FunctorImpl (T value) { this.VALUE = value; } @Override public String toString () { String type = get ().getClass ().getSimpleName (); return "Functor <" + type + "> " + get (); } @Override public T get () { return VALUE; } @Override public <N> F <F <T, N>, ? extends Functor <N>> fmap () { return f -> new FunctorImpl <> (F.$$ (f, get ())); } } // And examples of operations on Functor import static ru.shemplo.fp.core.control.Control.*; import static ru.shemplo.fp.core.F.*; { Functor <Integer> base = new FunctorImpl <> (28); // New instance of Functor Functor <String> str1 = $$ (ᐸ$ (), "New value", base); // Replace value in Functor (1 option) Functor <String> str2 = $$ ($ᐳ (), base, "New value"); // Replace value in Functor (2 option) Functor <int []> array = $$ (base.ᐸ$ᐳ (), int []::new); // Applying function on value in Functor Functor <String> str3 = $$ (ᐸՖᐳ (), base, Objects::toString); // Applying function in given Functor System.out.println (base); // Functor <Integer> 28 System.out.println (str1); // Functor <String> New value System.out.println (str2); // Functor <String> New value System.out.println (array); // Functor <int []> [I@... System.out.println (str3); // Functor <String> 28 }
For using in user's structures programmer needs only implement a
(haskell) andget
methods (get
is not provided in Haskell but it as feature in Java). -
The next construction is Applicative (haskell). It has more complex structure and it's something between Functor and Monad. Applicative extends Functor and inherit all his methods + adds some more:
// Applicative is interface which is placed in fp.core.control.Applicative // The simplest implementation can look as bellow public class ApplicativeImpl <T> extends JFunctor <T> implements Applicative <T> { public ApplicativeImpl (T value) { super (value); } @Override public String toString () { String type = get ().getClass ().getSimpleName (); return "Applicative <" + type + "> " + get (); } @Override public <N> F <F <T, N>, Applicative <N>> fmap () { return f -> new ApplicativeImpl <> (F.$$ (f, VALUE)); } @Override public <B> F <B, ? extends Applicative <B>> pure () { return b -> new ApplicativeImpl <> (b); } @Override public <B> F <Applicative <F <T, B>>, ? extends Applicative <B>> ᐸⴲᐳ () { return ff -> F.$$ (pure (), ff.get ().apply (get())); } } // And examples of operations on Applicative import static ru.shemplo.fp.core.control.Control.*; import static ru.shemplo.fp.core.F.*; { // New instance of Applicative Applicative <Integer> base = new ApplicativeImpl (16); // Instance from `pure` function Applicative <F <Integer, Integer>> pure = $$ (applicative.pure (), a -> a + 5); // Applying function (not pure) on value in Applicative Applicative <Integer> int1 = $$ (ᐸⴲⴲᐳ (), applicative, pure); // Applying function (pure) on value in Applicative Applicative <Integer> int2 = $$ (liftA (), a -> a + 3, int1); System.out.println (base); // Applicative <Integer> 16 System.out.println (int1); // Applicative <Integer> 21 System.out.println (int2); // Applicative <Integer> 24 }
The Monad class defines the basic operations over a monad, a concept from a branch of mathematics known as category theory. Monad is an abstract datatype of actions (haskell).
// Monad is interface which is placed in fp.core.control.Monad // The simplest implementation can look as bellow private static class MonadImpl <T> extends Ap <T> implements Monad <T> { public MonadImpl (T value) { super (value); } @Override public String toString () { String type = get ().getClass ().getSimpleName (); return "Monad <" + type + "> " + get (); } @Override @SuppressWarnings ({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public <B, AB extends Applicative <B>> F <B, AB> pure () { return b -> (AB) new MonadImpl (b); } @Override public <B, MB extends Monad <B>> F <F <T, MB>, MB> bind () { return f -> F.$$ (f, get ()); } } // And examples of operations on Applicative import static ru.shemplo.fp.core.control.Control.*; import static ru.shemplo.fp.core.F.*; { // New instance of Monad Monad <Integer> base = new Mo (44); // Applying bing operation Monad <String> str1 = $$ (base.bind (), a -> new Mo <> ("-" + a)); // Applying liftM function with pure function Monad <int []> array = $$ (liftM (), int []::new, base); // Applying ap function with function in Monad Monad <String> str2 = $$ (ap (), $$ (base.ret (), Objects::toString), base); System.out.println (base); // Monad <Integer> 44 System.out.println (str1); // Monad <String> -44 System.out.println (str2); // Monad <String> 44 System.out.println (array); // Monad <int []> [I@... }