Playing with the Schoology API and Zoom API!
Scrapes and maybe Instagram
- oauth-3leg: Schoology API 3-legged OAuth
- explorer: Schoology API
- irrelevant-scripts-maybe: Schoology API
- scraper: Schoology API
- archiving: Archiving Schoology
- zoom: Zoom API
- hdh: Scraping UCSD HDH's dining hall menus
- contacts: Scraping Google Contacts, based on prior work
- lib: Utils for explore/
- explore/finance: Scraping UCSD A.S. Finance
- explore/police: Scraping UCSD crime logs
The code in this repo was largely written just to explore and play around with what's available, so there's little documentation available. Sorry about that!
If it gives you any consolation, I'm also shooting my future self in the foot shrouding all this in mystery.
In general, each script has a comment at the top of the file with the command required to run the script.
If it starts with
, you'll need Deno 1.x installed. -
If it starts with
, you'll Node installed. Hopefully the latest version still works.Then, run the following command to install the dependencies.
$ npm install
, you'll also need to installtsx
globally.$ npm install -g tsx
Put your API Credentials in a api-creds.json
file like this:
"key": "87a6b8e78c0d897897a9f7e99a6d7c9",
"secret": "0a08c87b75e43da26589d008f76bc"
You can then play with get-things-from-schoology.js
$ node
Welcome to Node.js v14.4.0.
Type ".help" for more information.
> const askSgy = require('./get-things-from-schoology.js')
// These probably won't work for you unless you change 2017219 to your user ID.
askSgy('/user/2017219/updates') // GET
askSgy('/user/2017219/updates/2230965068/comments', {
comment: 'comment text',
uid: '2017219'
If you get an error like the following, I have no idea why. Maybe Schoology is dumb, or the Node library I'm using for OAuth is dumb.
Duplicate timestamp/nonce combination, possible replay attack. Request rejected.
node explorer/app.js
Create an OAuth app for Zoom, then
fill out the necessary information for the Install button in the Activation tab.
Copy Client ID and Secret, and also the redirect URL you put, and paste them
into a new file at zoom/credentials.json
. See
for a
When you click on the Install button in the Activation tab, it'll send you to the specified redirect URL with a URL parameter code
in the URL. Copy its value, then run
node zoom/start.js <authorization code here>
It should output Done.
Three-legged OAuth with Schoology.
In Node
# Does not work
node oauth-3leg/app.js
# Works
node oauth-3leg/app2.js
In Python, some venv stuff
# Activate venv
source venv/Scripts/activate
# Save
pip freeze > requirements.txt
# Load
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then run server
export FLASK_APP=oauth-3leg/
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run
Gets all the course materials from Schoology. You'll need to populate .env
On Schoology, you can get the first four by running the following in the console:
To get SESS_ID
, you need to look for the SESS cookie in the Application tab of devtools.
# In scraper/:
# Scrape Schoology -> ./private/ (Uses Deno)
deno run --allow-read=./ --allow-write=./private/ --allow-env --allow-net index.ts
# Web server to view ./private/ (Uses Node)
node app.js
Comparing grades.json, which gets randomly jambled:
git show <commit>:grades.json > ../../private/grades-old.json
git show <commit>:grades.json > ../../private/grades-new.json
deno run --allow-read --allow-write irrelevant-scripts-maybe/sort-grades.ts private/grades-old.json
deno run --allow-read --allow-write irrelevant-scripts-maybe/sort-grades.ts private/grades-new.json
diff private/grades-old.json private/grades-new.json --color=always -c | sed -e 's/\t/ /g'