You can use *
if you need to explicitly specify the default jail for a command.
/jail [Player] [Jail]
- Jail a player or yourself. Note that it prefers players over jails if there are two of the same name./jail player /jail player FooJail /jail FooJail -- (the person running the command is jailed) /jail -- ^
/unjail [Player]
- Unjail a player or yourself./unjail player /unjail
/add_jail [Jail] [X Y Z|X,Y,Z]
- Adds a new jail at your coordinates or the ones specified./add_jail foojail -32 8 128 /add_jail foojail /add_jail -16 64 512 (These add a jail with the default name) /add_jail
/remove_jail [Jail [NewJail]]
- Removes a jail. Note: This will unjail any players jailed in the jail unlessnewJail
is specified, in which case it will move them to the new jail./remove_jail foojail barjail /remove_jail foojail /remove_jail * foojail (Replaces the default jail with foojail) /remove_jail (Removes default jail)
/list_jails [Jail]
- Prints data about all jails or a jail, including their location and the captives in them. Output is in the formatjailName (X,Y,Z): [captives]
. Coordinates are rounded./list_jails foojail /list_jails
/move_jail [Jail] [X Y Z|X,Y,Z]
- Move a jail/move_jail foobar 0 8 0 /move_jail 0 8 0 (uses the default jail) /move_jail foobar (set to your position) /move_jail
Jails uses the main server configuration file for it's configuration. It uses the following settings:
) - Iftrue
, jailing and unjailing players will be announced globaly.
Jails has a simple API so that your mod can manipulate the jails.
All of the functions that change data call jails:save()
Functions are documented in the format functionName(args) -> returnValue
Variables are documented in the format variableName = defaultValue
jails:jail(playerName, [jailName])
-> success, messageJail a player in the specified jail. if
isn't passed the default jail will be used. -
-> success, messageUnjail a player.
-> (jailName, jail) ornil
Checks if a player is jailed and returns the jail name and jail data or
. -
jails:add(jailName, pos)
-> success, messageAdds a new jail.
jails:remove([jailName, [newJail]])
-> success, messageRemoves a jail from the jail list, unjailing all captives or moving them to newJail.
-> success, messageLoads jail data from the jail file, this is automaticaly done on server startup and probably unnecessary after then.
-> success, messageSaves jails to the jail file, all of the above commands run this automaticaly.
- A table of jails, indexed by name. Jails are of the form:{ pos = {x=<x>, y=<y>, z=<z>}, captives = { <Player name> = { privs = <Original privileges>, pos = <Original position>, ,} }, }
- The name of the default jail. Read-only.