Rotating Neutron Stars Analyzer (RNSA) is suite for studying rotating neutron star equilibirum models constructed using RNS v4.0 (unpublished yet).
It contains:
To submit jobs to HTCondor. It supports a vast range of settings.
To produce single tables corresponding to single sequences
To plot output.
To compute turning point models.
To plot quantities related to the turning points.
Moreover there is a set of utilities:
To produce the TikZ code to get a rainbow of colors from blue to red.
To convert a EOS table from the RNS v1.1c format to the new RNS v4.0 format
To delete every Output_star folder to save storage
A simple configuration for having plot’s ticks with the siunitx package
Interactive script to trasform central rest mass density in central energy for a polytrope (and reverse).
Interactive script to CU units in CGS (and reverse).
Copy the output of a simulation from the remote location to the local one, defined in the remote_config file
Print the current (and continue on updating) log for a remote simulation with parameters defined in remote_config
- Python >= 3.4.0
- NumPy >= 1.12
- matplotlib >= 2.0.0
- matplotlib2tikz >= 0.6.2
- LaTeX >= 3.14159265
- gawk >= 4.1.1
- RNS >= 4.0
- HTCondor >= 8.4.0
- rsync >= 3.1.2
Documentation will be provided.
RNSA is licensed under GNU GPL v3. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file.