JavaRush is a popular platform for java learning. A high user profile level is a source of pride for many students. Of course it`s important for me too. This repository contains a backend for the widget service, which allows you to get a widget like this by user id.
Technologies were used:
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Maven
- One main-service
- service process the core business logic and combines the work of two main components:
- WebParser : get information about user`s level and rating
- CacheHandler: organize data caching: saving, initializing and checking the relevance of data. The cache is stored in files in a directory "cache" inside the docker-container and becomes irrelevant 1 day after the first request
- service process the core business logic and combines the work of two main components:
userId - is user profile ID in JavaRush
Use Maven for packaging and just docker-compose up
it! ๐ณ