is a robust library designed to interact with Ethereum smart contracts
using multiple RPC endpoints. This ensures reliability and availability
by distributing the load across various endpoints and retrying operations on failure.
The library provides both asynchronous (AsyncMultiRpc
) and
synchronous (MultiRpc
) interfaces to suit different use cases.
- Multiple RPC Support: Seamlessly switch between different RPCs to ensure uninterrupted interactions.
- Gas Management: Fetch gas prices from multiple sources to ensure transactions are sent with an appropriate fee.
- Robust Error Handling: Designed to handle failures gracefully, increasing the reliability of your applications.
- Easy-to-use API: Interact with Ethereum smart contracts using a simple and intuitive API.
Install solver-MultiRpc
using pip:
pip install solver-multiRPC
Here's a quick example to get you started:
Below is an example of how to use the AsyncMultiRpc class for asynchronous operations:
import asyncio
import json
from src.multirpc.utils import NestedDict
from multirpc import AsyncMultiRpc
async def main():
rpcs = NestedDict({
"view": {
1: ['', '', ''],
2: ['', '', ],
3: [''],
"transaction": {
1: ['', '', ''],
2: ['', '', ],
3: [''],
with open("abi.json", "r") as f:
abi = json.load(f)
multi_rpc = AsyncMultiRpc(rpcs, 'YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS', contract_abi=abi, enable_gas_estimation=True)
multi_rpc.set_account("YOUR_PUBLIC_ADDRESS", "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY")
result = await multi_rpc.functions.YOUR_FUNCTION().call()
Below is an example of how to use the MultiRpc class for synchronous operations:
from multirpc import MultiRpc
def main():
multi_rpc = MultiRpc(rpcs, 'YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS', contract_abi=abi, enable_gas_estimation=True)
multi_rpc.set_account("YOUR_PUBLIC_ADDRESS", "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY")
result = multi_rpc.functions.YOUR_FUNCTION().call()
Replace placeholders like YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS
appropriate values.
Initialize the MultiRpc
class with your RPC URLs, contract address, and contract ABI:
multi_rpc = MultiRpc(rpcs, contract_address='YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS', contract_abi=abi)
Set the Ethereum account details (address and private key) for sending transactions:
multi_rpc.set_account("YOUR_PUBLIC_ADDRESS", "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY")
Call a function from your contract:
result = await multi_rpc.functions.YOUR_FUNCTION().call()
By default we return tx_receipt(wait for 90 second).
if you don't want to return tx_receipt, pass wait_for_receipt=0
to call()
You can call a transaction function with a different private key by passing the
, address
parameter to the call()
method. Here’s an example:
result = await multi_rpc.functions.YOUR_FUNCTION().call(address=PublicKey, private_key=PrivateKey)
You can specify a block identifier when calling view functions to get the state of the contract at a specific block. Here's an example:
Note that the majority of free RPCs only support querying blocks up to 10 minutes earlier.
# You can use 'latest', 'earliest', or a specific block number
result = multi_rpc.functions.yourViewFunction().call(block_identifier='latest')
You can specify a view policy to determine how view function calls are handled.
The available view policies are MostUpdated
and FirstSuccess
. Here’s an example:
multi_rpc = MultiRpc(rpc_urls, contract_address, contract_abi, view_policy=ViewPolicy.FirstSuccess)
You can pass a GasEstimation
object to the MultiRpc
or AsyncMultiRpc
to configure how gas prices are estimated. Here is an example of how to do this:
from multirpc import MultiRpc, GasEstimation, GasEstimationMethod
gas_estimation = GasEstimation(
chain_id=1, # Mainnet
providers=[], # List of AsyncWeb3 providers
gas_api_provider='' # Replace with your API provider
# Pass the GasEstimation object to MultiRpc
multi_rpc = MultiRpc(rpc_urls, contract_address, contract_abi, gas_estimation=gas_estimation)
The GasEstimation
class allows you to implement a custom gas estimation method.
You need to extend the GasEstimation
class and override the _custom_gas_estimation
method with your custom logic.
Here is an example:
from multirpc import GasEstimation, TxPriority, GasEstimationMethod
from web3 import Web3
from web3.types import Wei
class CustomGasEstimation(GasEstimation):
async def _custom_gas_estimation(self, priority: TxPriority, gas_upper_bound: float) -> dict:
# Your custom gas estimation logic here
custom_gas_price = 50 # Replace with your custom logic
if custom_gas_price > gas_upper_bound:
raise OutOfRangeTransactionFee(f"Custom gas price {custom_gas_price} exceeds upper bound {gas_upper_bound}")
return {
"gasPrice": Web3.to_wei(custom_gas_price, 'gwei')
# Create an instance of your custom gas estimation
custom_gas_estimation = CustomGasEstimation(
# Use it with MultiRpc
multi_rpc = MultiRpc(rpc_urls, contract_address, contract_abi, gas_estimation=custom_gas_estimation)
You can specify which gas estimation method in call()
method. Here's an example:
tx_hash = multi_rpc.functions.yourTransactionFunction().call(
gas_estimation_method=GasEstimationMethod.RPC, # Specify the gas estimation method
By default, we check all possible ways(api, rpc, fixed, custom) to get gasPrice
but, if you pass method we only use passed method
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on our GitHub repository.