Releases: STJRush/Coding-Club
Milk-o-meter mini 5000
Robot Arm Core Features Complete
-Arm can now read a saved sequence from a file. This file is called and is in the same directory as the main code.
-Arm can make it's own sequences by clicking the Record Sequence button. These are saved to the file.
-Once you have recorded a sequence, open "" and rename it to whatever your sequence does eg. "Pick up and drop". Then put it into your collection of cool robot moves.
-To load in a sequence you might have on a memory stick, simply rename it to and keep it in the same folder as the main code. It will run whatever code is in It also writes over this when you record a new one so keep your own copy somewhere else!
Robot Arm working with both Text and Sliders to control it.
Python 2.7 for all robot arm files.
Modules needed:
-PIL or Pillow
-Adafruit's Python Library for the Servo Controller HAT