1. Home Page
- Hero section, product categories, and featured product cards.
2. Product Details Page
- Detailed view of a specific product with options to add to favorites and cart.
3. Explore & Search Page
- Allows users to explore all products by category and search for specific products.
- Includes filters (categories, price, ratings) and sorting options (popularity, price, new arrivals).
4. Cart Page
- Displays selected products, allows for quantity adjustments, and provides the option to proceed to checkout.
5. Checkout Page
- Collects shipping, delivery, and payment information for order completion. Can apply coupon codes and Offers
6. Order Confirmation Page
- Displays the details of a placed order, including items, payment, and shipping info.
7. User Profile Page
- Allows users to manage their profile, view their order history, and update saved addresses.
8. Favorites Page
- Displays a list of products the user has marked as favorites.
9. Payment Gateway Page
- Handles secure online payments through third-party gateways.
10. Contact Us Page
- Provides contact details and a form for inquiries.
1. Admin Dashboard
- Overview of key statistics like total sales, active orders, and recent activities.
2. Product Management Page
- Allows the owner to add, edit, or delete products, manage category and manage inventory.
3. Order Management Page
- Enables the owner to view all orders and update their status (e.g., processing, shipped, delivered).
4. User Management Page
- Allows the owner to view and manage registered users (optional feature).
5. Discounts and Coupons Management
- Enables the creation and management of Coupons codes and promotional offers.
6. Messages and Review Management
- Allows the owner to manage to customer reviews and manage Message from contact us page.
1. Delivery Dashboard Page
- Lists all orders assigned for delivery.
- Allows delivery personnel to accept delivery requests.
2. Orders Page
- Displays the details of accepted orders, including customer information and delivery address.
- Allows the delivery boy to update the status of an order (e.g., out for delivery, delivered).
4. Profile Page
- Allows delivery person to manage their profile.
1. About Us Page
- Describes the bakery’s history, mission, and values.
2. Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Pages
- Legal pages explaining user rights, privacy policy, and terms of service.
3. 404 Error Page
- A custom page shown when users try to access a non-existent page.