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RichardMoot authored Dec 16, 2024
1 parent 7256f38 commit 9f4d8a3
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 1 deletion.
86 changes: 85 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -10,12 +10,26 @@ tokenize.tcl raw.txt > input.txt

You can use other tokenization scripts, but make sure the tokenization is that same as the one used for your supertagger.

As an example, we take the following input text.

Aussi ont-ils décidé d'eux-mêmes, mercredi, de se soumettre à l'arbitrage définitif des autorités monétaires.

## Tagging

Use use your external taggers to convert your input file into a supertag file, ensure it returns its results in the format of the Clark and Curran taggers.
The expected format for each word is `word|POS|N|Formula1|Prob1 ... Formulan|ProbN` where `word` is the word, `POS` the assigned part-of-speech tag (using the Treetagger tagset), `N` is the number of formulas give
by the supertagger, followed by `N` occurrences of a formula and its probability.

This gives the following output for our example

Aussi|ADV-ADV|1|dr(0,s,s)|0.9999778 ont|V-VER:pres|2|dr(0,dr(0,s,dl(0,np,s_ppart)),np)|0.9980058|dr(0,dr(0,s,np),dl(0,np,s_ppart))|0.0018172036 -ils|CLS-PRO:PER|1|np|0.99999213 décidé|VPP-VER:pper|9|dr(0,dl(0,np,s_ppart),dl(0,np,s_inf))|0.95984834|dr(0,dr(0,dl(0,np,s_ppart),dl(0,np,s_inf)),np)|0.012183049|dr(0,dl(0,np,s_ppart),pp_de)|0.0071665817|dr(0,dr(0,dl(0,np,s_ppart),dl(0,np,s_inf)),pp_a)|0.005813557|dr(0,dr(0,dl(0,np,s_ppart),pp_de),np)|0.0021970696|dr(0,dl(0,cl_r,dl(0,np,s_inf)),dl(0,np,s_inf))|0.0011594007|dr(0,dl(0,np,s),dl(0,np,s_inf))|0.0011494745|dr(0,dl(0,cl_r,dl(0,np,s)),dl(0,np,s_inf))|0.0010469758|dr(0,dl(0,cl_r,dl(0,np,s_ppart)),dl(0,np,s_inf))|0.0010047258 d'|P-PRP|2|dr(0,pp_de,np)|0.9892832|dr(0,pp_de,n)|0.010377718 eux-mêmes|PRO-PRO:PER|2|np|0.99766695|n|0.002082536 ,|PONCT-PUN|1|let|0.99999964 mercredi|NC-NOM|1|dl(1,s,s)|0.99971145 ,|PONCT-PUN|1|let|0.99999976 de|P-PRP|1|dr(0,dl(0,np,s_inf),dl(0,np,s_inf))|0.9999877 se|CLR-PRO:PER|1|cl_r|1.0 soumettre|VINF-VER:infi|1|dr(0,dl(0,cl_r,dl(0,np,s_inf)),pp_a)|0.99848455 à|P-PRP|1|dr(0,pp_a,np)|0.99999905 l'|DET-DET:ART|1|dr(0,np,n)|1.0 arbitrage|NC-NOM|1|n|1.0 définitif|ADJ-ADJ|1|dl(0,n,n)|1.0 des|P+D-PRP:det|1|dr(0,dl(0,n,n),n)|0.9999982 autorités|NC-NOM|1|n|1.0 monétaires|ADJ-ADJ|1|dl(0,n,n)|1.0 .|PONCT-PUN|1|dl(0,s,txt)|0.9996948

This output uses the `MElt-TT` format for part-of-speech tags. Only the treetagger tags are used later.

## Prolog conversion

The script `supertag2pl` converts the supertagger output into (unlemmatized) Prolog clauses for the parser.
Expand All @@ -25,6 +39,13 @@ Clauses contain a list of items of the form `ex_si(Word, Pos, Word, List)` where
supertag2pl superpos.txt >

For our example, this script gives the following ouput.

sent(20, Result) :-
prob_parse([ ex_si('Aussi', adv-adv, 'Aussi', [dr(0,s,s)-0.9999778]), ex_si(ont, v-ver:pres, ont, [dr(0,dr(0,s,dl(0,np,s_ppart)),np)-0.9980058, dr(0,dr(0,s,np),dl(0,np,s_ppart))-0.0018172036]), ex_si('-ils', cls-pro:per, '-ils', [np-0.99999213]), ex_si(décidé, vpp-ver:pper, décidé, [dr(0,dl(0,np,s_ppart),dl(0,np,s_inf))-0.95984834, dr(0,dr(0,dl(0,np,s_ppart),dl(0,np,s_inf)),np)-0.012183049, dr(0,dl(0,np,s_ppart),pp_de)-0.0071665817, dr(0,dr(0,dl(0,np,s_ppart),dl(0,np,s_inf)),pp_a)-0.005813557, dr(0,dr(0,dl(0,np,s_ppart),pp_de),np)-0.0021970696, dr(0,dl(0,cl_r,dl(0,np,s_inf)),dl(0,np,s_inf))-0.0011594007, dr(0,dl(0,np,s),dl(0,np,s_inf))-0.0011494745, dr(0,dl(0,cl_r,dl(0,np,s)),dl(0,np,s_inf))-0.0010469758, dr(0,dl(0,cl_r,dl(0,np,s_ppart)),dl(0,np,s_inf))-0.0010047258]), ex_si('d\'', p-prp, 'd\'', [dr(0,pp_de,np)-0.9892832, dr(0,pp_de,n)-0.010377718]), ex_si('eux-mêmes', pro-pro:per, 'eux-mêmes', [np-0.99766695, n-0.002082536]), ex_si(',', ponct-pun, ',', [let-0.99999964]), ex_si(mercredi, nc-nom, mercredi, [dl(1,s,s)-0.99971145]), ex_si(',', ponct-pun, ',', [let-0.99999976]), ex_si(de, p-prp, de, [dr(0,dl(0,np,s_inf),dl(0,np,s_inf))-0.9999877]), ex_si(se, clr-pro:per, se, [cl_r-1.0]), ex_si(soumettre, vinf-ver:infi, soumettre, [dr(0,dl(0,cl_r,dl(0,np,s_inf)),pp_a)-0.99848455]), ex_si(à, p-prp, à, [dr(0,pp_a,np)-0.99999905]), ex_si('l\'', det-det:art, 'l\'', [dr(0,np,n)-1.0]), ex_si(arbitrage, nc-nom, arbitrage, [n-1.0]), ex_si(définitif, adj-adj, définitif, [dl(0,n,n)-1.0]), ex_si(des, p+d-prp:det, des, [dr(0,dl(0,n,n),n)-0.9999982]), ex_si(autorités, nc-nom, autorités, [n-1.0]), ex_si(monétaires, adj-adj, monétaires, [dl(0,n,n)-1.0]), ex_si('.', ponct-pun, '.', [dl(0,s,txt)-0.9996948])], Result).

## Lemmatization

It it preferable to use an external lemmatizer. Otherwise, the script `` provides a basic functionality, looking up the word-POStag combination in the Lefff database. This is very slow.
Expand All @@ -35,11 +56,74 @@ The `` script takes a file `` and returns a lemmatized file

The output of the lemmatizer (in the file ``) is shown below.

sent(20, A) :-
[ si('Aussi', adv-adv, aussi, [dr(0, s, s)-0.9999778]),
[ dr(0, dr(0, s, dl(0, np, s_ppart)), np)-0.9980058,
dr(0, dr(0, s, np), dl(0, np, s_ppart))-0.0018172036
si('-ils', cls-pro:per, ils, [np-0.99999213]),
[ dr(0, dl(0, np, s_ppart), dl(0, np, s_inf))-0.95984834,
dr(0, dr(0, dl(0, np, s_ppart), dl(0, np, s_inf)), np)-0.012183049,
dr(0, dl(0, np, s_ppart), pp_de)-0.0071665817,
dr(0, dr(0, dl(0, np, s_ppart), dl(0, np, s_inf)), pp_a)-0.005813557,
dr(0, dr(0, dl(0, np, s_ppart), pp_de), np)-0.0021970696,
dr(0, dl(0, cl_r, dl(0, np, s_inf)), dl(0, np, s_inf))-0.0011594007,
dr(0, dl(0, np, s), dl(0, np, s_inf))-0.0011494745,
dr(0, dl(0, cl_r, dl(0, np, s)), dl(0, np, s_inf))-0.0010469758,
dr(0, dl(0, cl_r, dl(0, np, s_ppart)), dl(0, np, s_inf))-0.0010047258
[dr(0, pp_de, np)-0.9892832, dr(0, pp_de, n)-0.010377718]),
[np-0.99766695, n-0.002082536]),
si(',', ponct-pun, ',', [let-0.99999964]),
si(mercredi, nc-nom, mercredi, [dl(1, s, s)-0.99971145]),
si(',', ponct-pun, ',', [let-0.99999976]),
[dr(0, dl(0, np, s_inf), dl(0, np, s_inf))-0.9999877]),
si(se, clr-pro:per, se, [cl_r-1.0]),
[dr(0, dl(0, cl_r, dl(0, np, s_inf)), pp_a)-0.99848455]),
si(à, p-prp, à, [dr(0, pp_a, np)-0.99999905]),
si('l\'', det-det:art, 'l\'', [dr(0, np, n)-1.0]),
si(arbitrage, nc-nom, arbitrage, [n-1.0]),
si(définitif, adj-adj, définitif, [dl(0, n, n)-1.0]),
si(des, p+d-prp:det, des, [dr(0, dl(0, n, n), n)-0.9999982]),
si(autorités, nc-nom, autorité, [n-1.0]),
si(monétaires, adj-adj, monétaire, [dl(0, n, n)-1.0]),
si('.', ponct-pun, '.', [dl(0, s, txt)-0.9996948])

## Parsing

Finally, the parser is run as follows.


This command tries to parse all sentence and outputs the results in a number of files:
- `` contains the Prolog semantic ouput.
- `` contains the Prolog ouput giving the DRT semantics, both in unreduced and reduced versions.
- `` contains the Prolog proofs (chart proofs, but they can be converted to natural deduction)

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