This is a docker module for Rex to manage Docker containers.
- This module is for the current development branch (Rex 2)
- This module is in developemnt state
Call this task to install docker on your system.
- ensure - Default: latest
- package, Name of the package to install. - Default:
- service, Name of the service to manager. - Default: docker
- on_pkg_change, Code that should be executed when the package is updated. - Default:
service $service => "restart";
use Docker;
task "setup", sub {
use Docker;
task "setup", sub {
Docker::setup {
on_pkg_change => sub { }, # do nothing
Do the named action with the docker service.
$ rex -H $host Docker:restart
Manage the state of a container.
- ensure, State of the container - Default: present
- present
- running
- stop
- absent
- image, Which image to pull/use for this container
- expose, Ports to expose
- bind, Volumes to bind
- link, Other containers to link
- environment, Environment variables to export to the container
Docker::container "nginx",
ensure => "running",
image => "nginx:latest",
expose => {
"80" => "80/tcp",
"443" => "443/tcp",
bind => {
"/srv/containers/nginx/etc/nginx" => "/etc/nginx",
link => {
"redis" => "redis",
environment => {
"MY_THING" => "value",