1.3.0 (2022-12-01)
Bug Fixes
- adds checks to prevent mongo errors (a8d9f35)
- aggregation name edition (538c731)
- allow to sort while filtering for all types Refactor the all.ts query and manage to handle all the cases for sorting (e67a8eb)
- bug with aggregation mapping #37424 (e30bb9f)
- bug with attachment empty #25833 (a6cca3a)
- bug with static refData resolvers #37424 (1b7d6ae)
- cannot see records with createdBy.user = null (41cffb3)
- canUpdate and canDelete optimization (216b423)
- canUpdate and canDelete problems with admin (1c94c1d)
- converting id to string in order to filter (70fa69b)
- fixed caching issue (500dba9)
- fixed record edition mutation #29961 (55bbaf9)
- force DataSource responses to be JSON (8ed7d5e)
- forgot to save file #10639 (9738707)
- history of records with reference data #39364 (62546aa)
- issue when extracting filter fields (f8bad8b)
- linting #39364 (edfb79c)
- minor fixes (2d5bb36)
- problems with recordsPermissions on createdBy (afee65c)
- query empty for simple forms (d00819c)
- remove copy paste artifacts #10639 (01da235)
- remove unused import (4865b18)
- removed autotoggle field permission from form #29961 (6ac9579)
- removed log #29961 (7af4480)
- removed log + fixed record query #29961 (4274b3f)
- schema breaks if related resource nout found (d221d35)
- setting typos #29935 (3b1fdc2)
- special characters removed from the destination file name. fix download history by removing history call in history definition (928b807)
- transforming user into json (7fe5f19)
- add modifiedAt field to referenceData #29451 (69d8b42)
- Add new express-winston logger system to catch http requests. Add color in log files (86a57fc)
- add nodemailer to send email from the back #25833 (d46f2a8)
- add possibility to filter form / resource records query by linked resources (f029e7d)
- add ReferenceData model and its integration #10639 (443ba17)
- added case for attributes in the filters (ab41b20)
- added field permissions to forms as well #29961 (473e57e)
- added pagination to aggregations (ae8e3e5)
- auto assignment of rules from groups (2147519)
- can duplicate pages #27084 (d0bd649)
- fetch user attributes from external API #29935 (e86db9e)
- new graphql filter field for refData #29451 (adaecad)
- page size now part of layout (bc88bde)
- pagination for layouts field on resource (ae033ca)
- replace all console.log and console.error by new logger system (1f84702)
- same structure for unicity as other permissions (84eb85d)
- sending only accessible fields on from query #29961 (d0f2037)
- sending user access on queries/meta #29961 (d4e290e)
- sort applications on FO by modifiedAt (d909537)
- support aggregations with referenceDatas #37424 (dafc13c)
- support sort and filter for refData fields (29e6a91)
- toggling resource filed permission #29961 (6386147)
- using attributes for auto roles filter (a693f0b)