1.0.0 (2022-12-01)
Bug Fixes
.env file creation on ci-dev workflow #16673 (df9ce22 )
adapt integration tests to be more precise #16673 (92ddc83 )
add core to retrieve core form (faeab92 )
add other choice for choicesByUrl question (349092a )
aggregation now working with bson (65ca98f )
all users displayed when no applications given (26f9602 )
API URL breaking display text with some parameters (cb8497b ), closes AB#16710
authentication not working on first request #16673 (eccdf17 )
bug if applications empty for users question (c77c252 )
cannot see records with createdBy.user = null #33755 (05c080e )
CICD (349ed3f )
correct permissions on records for download #11772 (067299e )
crash when proxy req is interrupted by client (47bc4fd )
display=true not working for chilren fields #16933 (1473a44 )
export JSON for matrix type questions (cbbbe08 )
export not working for not admin users #18826 (a26bdce )
filter stage with dates #24829 (75a45cf )
first auth and put credentials in .env (12fe065 )
flexible matching between value and choices #16669 (0916473 )
issue where comments would insert new fields in the structure of children forms (502d93b )
issue where modifiedAt would export createAt value (c4cec2d )
issue where modifiedBy of record would be null if no version (3166cb1 )
issue where non admin filters would not be able to query any record (ae182ca )
issue where other export than records would be brokené #18423 (c673bbd )
issue where style would not apply to some items, depending on pagination #28131 (c175794 )
lint #28131 (1004a87 )
move db init and changed tests expectations (2340fb5 )
now possible to export records if not admin, and permissions of the form are empty #18826 (6bce1d6 )
one to many relationship with multiple definitions of same resource were overlapping #11374 (2382bd0 )
pass display argument to related fields #22026 (abe67b9 )
pass own URL in .env file and catch errors (18eacad )
permission logic (a37c386 )
permissions on records for resource (3385735 )
prepare commit msg husky hook (de6d251 )
prevents sending duplicate choice values #33768 (7365f70 )
pullJob with same linked fields mapped twice #26822 (241a19c )
recursive unwind for embedded fields #24829 (d012424 )
remove deprecated host (4eccb42 )
set incrementalId on records import from file #16670 (4516be7 )
sort by dropdown in choicesByUrl #16669 (6cf5272 )
sort desc for arrays #16669 (5778ba2 )
split db init with server and connection init #16673 (0279166 )
stringify _id for groupBy stage (67c4096 )
support any API URL in getDisplayText #16710 (48efcf3 )
transform record with deleted fields (6ad5a2a )
try to trigger workflows #16673 (ecfba91 )
update applications queries #16673 (ac000c2 )
update record GQ type tthat was deleting the versions of record #16302 (d0fe8d6 )
use instead of .env #16673 (39d0c55 )
Revert "fix filter not working on incrementalId" This reverts commit 1d7cc45 . (68281c6 )
Revert "Add a field settings to steps" (0d42457 )
Revert "Trying to add a context to subscriptions" (64e86a2 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.