The challenge is to plot weather data on a webpage.
In building this dashboard, I created individual pages for each plot and a means by which we can navigate between them. These pages will contain the visualizations and their corresponding explanations. I also have a landing page, a page where we can see a comparison of all of the plots, and another page where we can view the data used to build them.
At the top of every page, there's a navigation menu that:
- Has the name of the site on the left of the nav which allows users to return to the landing page from any page.
- Contains a dropdown menu on the right of the navbar named "Plots" that provides a link to each individual visualization page.
- Provides two more text links on the right: "Comparisons," which links to the comparisons page, and "Data," which links to the data page.
- Is responsive (using media queries). The nav must have similar behavior as the screenshots "Navigation Menu" section (notice the background color change).
The website was deployed to GitHub pages.