PINNs original paper [2019] can be accessed here.
The remaining of this document is structured as follows:
- Equations: Navier-Stokes and Schrodinger
- PINNs : How they work and which gap they fill in the literature.
- PINNs : Limitations.
- Reproducing paper experiments: Pinns-torch
- Discussion and Conclusion
Some people love it, other people hate it. However, it is undeniable that solving Navier-Stokes and fully understanding it remains a million dollar question (or should I say equation? 😄).
In Raissi et al., they experiment PINNs on the 2D version of Navier Stokes equation. The equation is described explicitly as follows:
$$ u_t +\lambda_{1}(uu_x + vu_y) = -p_x +\lambda_{2}(u_{xx} + u_{yy}) (1),
For the purposes of the paper and this assignment, the experiments consider the pseudo problem of a "incompressible flow past a circular cylinder" (Raissi et al., 693) using the Navier Stokes 2D formulation shown above.