Fuzzy matching for Patent to company mapping
Download the PatentData4_Sunil_V1.txt and VentureExpertData.csv data files https://drive.google.com/open?id=18s9WwnuoFJQfEYG9Z51BR2B2eF79C5Gj
Add these files into RA_Patent_Mapping/data/ folder
If you are doing a new run, then delete the data/logging and data/cache folder
Make necessary changes in the configuration file. ./RA_Patent_Mapping/data/configuration.txt
Run the following scripts to map the venture expert data to patent data with probability match. 1.patent_venture_mapping.py python ./RA_Patent_Mapping/src/python/patent_venture_mapping.py
The output is written to the following file. ./RA_Patent_Mapping/logging/equivalence_output.txt
For the post process, run the following script This script will provide all necessary columns for modelling and provides all necessary constraints.
The final output is available in the following file ./RA_Patent_Mapping/logging/processed_equivalence_output.txt