Let's learn angular
MVVM : Model View View-Model
- Row data
- Logic to retrive data
- No logic to display data
- User interface
- Html / Css
- Naver change the data
- No handle Js event
- Representation of data
- Presentation logic
- No code about HTML / CSS
Declarative Binder
Mode + View + View-Model
π± Install Angularjs 1.x version Install AngularJs
<html ng-app="moduleName">
<div ng-Controller="NameOfController"></div>
: ng stnd for angular
;(function () {
'use strict'
angular.module('moduleName', []).Controller('NameOfController', callBack)
: It's helps to hold the dependancy.
: It's helps to bind the view
and view-model
'use strict'
is a good practice as it helps write cleaner and safer JavaScript code by enforcing stricter parsing and error handling.
function (){
'use strict'
angular.module('moduleName', [])
.Controller('nameCont', ($scope))
$scope.name = "Prince";
$scope.invite = () => "Aπ Apple is better then π banana";
: prefix $
is a reserved keyword for angular.
: name variable is created and value also share to the ng-module
and {{name}}
to the view Controller
How to access $scope
data to view β
In the <div ng-Controller="nameCont">...</div>
use :
{{ name }}
to access the variable.{{ invite() }}
to access the function.ng-module="name"
to set the value as attribute.
<div ng-Controller="nameCont">
//Prince {{ invite() }} // π Apple is better then π banana
<input type="text" ng-module="name" /> //set value
Dependancy Injection π
Design pattern used to pass the dependencies (objects or services)... that a class or function needs, instead of creating them inside.... It implements Inversion of Control (IoC) by delegating the responsibility of dependency creation to an external system.
: It is used to formate the data.
: It is used to check all the service dependancy of controller under the hood.
is a process of removing all unnessary characters from source code without changing its functionality"
!(function () {
function e(e, n) {
;(e.name = 'Prince'),
(e.upCase = function () {
let c = n('uppercase')
e.name = c(e.name)
angular.module('DIapp', []).controller('DIcontroller', e),
(e.$inject = ['$scope', '$filter'])
Two ways to add the Injection π
1 . Inject as an array.
;(function () {
.module('DIapp', [])
.controller('DIcontroller', ['$scope', '$filter', DIcontroller])
function DIcontroller($scope, $filter) {
$scope.name = 'Prince'
$scope.upCase = function () {
let upcase = $filter('uppercase')
$scope.name = upcase($scope.name)
2 . Inject as an $inject
;(function () {
angular.module('DIapp', []).controller('DIcontroller', DIcontroller)
DIcontroller.$inject = ['$scope', '$filter']
function DIcontroller($scope, $filter) {
$scope.name = 'Prince'
$scope.upCase = function () {
let upcase = $filter('uppercase')
$scope.name = upcase($scope.name)
- An expression is anything that evaluates to a value.
- In Angular, expressions are tied to the scope they belong to.
- They do not throw TypeError or ReferenceError if the value is undefined or invalid.
- Syntax: {{ expression }}
- Interpolation replaces placeholders in a string with dynamic values.
- In Angular, placeholders are typically expressions.
- The result is automatically updated when the value of the placeholder changes.
:let output = $filter('uppercase')(value);
: In Js{{vlaue | uppercase}}
: In html
:let output = $filter('currency')(value, "$", decimalPoint)
{{value | currency : "$" : decimalPoint}}
<div ng-controller="filter-control"> <input type="number" placeholder="Salary" ng-model="Salary" /> <!-- <H2>Salary: {{ExchangeSalary()}}</H2> --> <h2>Salary: {{Salary | currency}}</h2> </div>
;(function () { angular.module('filter-app', []).controller('filter-control', fc) fc.$inject = ['$scope', '$filter'] function fc($scope, $filter) { $scope.Salary = '' $scope.ExchangeSalary = () => $filter('currency')($scope.Salary, '$ ', 2) } })()
In JavaScript
;(function () { 'use strict' angular .module('app', []) .controller('ctrl', ctrl) //Register filter factory with module .filter('sqrt', CustomeFilterFactory) //inject in with name"Filter" ctrl.$inject = ['$scope', 'sqrtFilter'] function ctrl($scope, sqrtFilter) { $scope.num = 0 $scope.output = () => sqrtFilter($scope.num) } //Define filter factory function function CustomeFilterFactory() { return function (input) { return input * input } } })()
In Html
{{text}} <hr /> {{replaceText()}}
In JavaScript
;(function () { 'use strict' angular .module('app', []) .controller('ctrl', ctrl) //Register filter factory with module .filter('replaceText', CustomeFilterFactory) //inject in with name"Filter" ctrl.$inject = ['$scope', 'replaceTextFilter'] function ctrl($scope, replaceTextFilter) { $scope.text = '' $scope.target = '' $scope.replace = '' $scope.replaceText = replaceTextFilter( $scope.text, $scope.target, $scope.replace ) } //Define filter factory function function CustomeFilterFactory() { return function (input, target, replace) { let targetAll = new RegExp(target, 'gi') return input.replace(targetAll, replace) } } })()
In Html
{{replaceText | "Arjun" : "Shiva"}}
- All event handling in Angular is managed through the event queue, which organizes and processes events as they occur.
- Refers to anonymous events and special events specific to Angular. These events enable dynamic interaction within Angular applications.
- A special mechanism in Angular that processes
and ensures that changes are propagated throughout the application. It runs a series of checks to update the view when the model changes.
- Functions that monitor specific properties in the scope for changes. When a watched property is modified, the associated handler is invoked to update the UI accordingly.
- This loop checks for changes in the values of the watchers. If changes are detected, it updates the relevant properties; if not, it maintains the current state. This loop runs automatically during events but can also be triggered manually.
- A process that repeatedly checks the state of watchers to determine if any value has changed. If a change is detected, the digest cycle is initiated to update the application state.
(function (){
'use strict'
angular.module('watcherApp', [])
$inject.ctrlWatcher = ['$scope', '$filter'];
function ctrlWatcher ($scope){
$scope.Count = 0;
$scope.CountInc = 0;
$scope.WatcherCount = function () {
console.log("No. of watchers: ",$scope.$$watchersCount);
$scope.OnceCount = function () {
$scope.Count = 1;
$scope.OnceCountIncrement = function () {
//Watcher 1 to focus on Count
$scope.$watch('Count',function (newVal, oldVal) {
console.log("Old Value: ",oldVal);
console.log("New Value: ",newVal);
//Watcher 2 to focus on CountInc
$scope.$watch('CountInc', (newVal, oldVal)=>{
console.log("Inc newVal: ",newVal);
console.log("Inc oldVal: ",oldVal);
cycle doesn't triggered automatically if event are unaware of angular.
//Output : 1 , 0(val B doesn't updated)
//Output : 1 , 1 (val updated after 2sec)
You can wrap you Custome code in $apply() service also it will do the same but both updated at same time.
//Output : 1 , 1 (both val updated after 2sec)
If you want to use a direct service that recored the changes. So you can you $timeout
Ctrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$timeout']
function Ctrl ($scope, $timeout){
$scope.counterA = 0;
$scope.counterB = 0;
$scope.inc = ()=>{
//Output 1 , 1