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Releases: Pottus/ColAndreas


10 Nov 05:45
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<param name="modelid">The removed model to be restored</param>
<param name="Float:x, Float:y, Float:z">The coordinates in which the objects will be restored</param>
<param name="Float:radius">The radius around the specified point to restore from</param>
	0 when the map is not initialized
	1 when successfully restored
    You must use this function after using `CA_Init`
native CA_RestoreBuilding(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:radius);

v1.4.1 draft

12 Sep 22:47
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With added support for custom DL models.

<param name="newid">Custom model id to be added to col. pool</param>
<param name="dffFileName">Dff file path you want to load its collision</param>
	-1 if plugin couldn't find/open file (relatd to permissions or wrong path)
	0 if dff file had no collision or corrupted data
	1 if loading dff file and reading collision data was successful
	Loads collision from given dff file to support SA-MP 0.3DL custom models.
native CA_LoadFromDff(newid, const dffFileName[]);

ColAndreas v1.4.0

26 Apr 00:43
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Adds 4 new natives:

CA_RayCastLineID(Float:StartX, Float:StartY, Float:StartZ, Float:EndX, Float:EndY, Float:EndZ, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z);
CA_RayCastLineExtraID(type, Float:StartX, Float:StartY, Float:StartZ, Float:EndX, Float:EndY, Float:EndZ, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z);
CA_SetObjectExtraID(index, type, data);
CA_GetObjectExtraID(index, type);


  • Instead of returning the model ID of the collided object, this will return the ColAndreas index.


  • Instead of returning the model ID of the collided object, this will return the extra data stored at the type parameter. The 'type's are set by CA_SetObjectExtraID.
  • Returns '-1' when an invalid type was specified (something outside of 0 through 9).


  • This sets the extra data stored at type of the specified ColAndreas object.


  • This returns the extra data stored at type of the specified ColAndreas object.

Along with these also comes a set of new definitions labeled CA_EXTRA_1 through CA_EXTRA_10. These are just example definitions and can easily be defined by the user in there script. They are just numbers from 0 to 9, which are the valid 'type's of extra data. For example, if a user needed to know the streamer ID of a collided object they could do this:

// Before anything
#define CA_STREAMER_ID 0
new testObj;

// Creating the object
testObj = CA_CreateDynamicObject_DC(3095, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
CA_SetObjectExtraID(testObj, CA_STREAMER_ID, CA_ObjectList[testObj][ObjectID]);

// Later, with a ray cast
new streamerID = CA_RayCastLineExtraID(CA_STREAMER_ID, 0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, sX, sY, sZ);

ColAndreas v1.3.0

08 Aug 19:39
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    • You need to recreate your ColAndreas.cadb file using the new WizardApp, the plugin will refuse to load older versions.
    • Use if you get the following error: Failed ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
    • Please redownload if you're having trouble using the plugin on Windows XP (see #9)

  • WizardApp:
    • Fixed problems with SA-MP objects.
    • Uses static runtime libraries (Avoids MSVCP120D.DLL not found error)
    • New user interface using the Qt5 libraries.
    • Speed improvements.
  • Plugin:
    • Server will show an error message instead of crashing if CA_CreateObject is called without collision data loaded.
    • Updated the database reader to match with the changes made to the WizardApp.
    • Plugin version will be displayed when it gets loaded.
    • Added statically-linked Linux version (
  • Other changes:
    • Removed Visual Studio solution files, CMake is now used for the plugin and wizard.
    • CMakeLists.txt moved to the root directory.
    • Updated


20 May 20:10
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17 May 19:36
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ColAndreas 1.0

17 May 03:48
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ColAndreas first release