is a tracking software that tracks your Hamster's nightly running activity. It measures revolutions of your Hamster's wheel using a reed switch, for example from a bike tachometer, that is connected to a GPIO pin. After a session is complete, it writes the data into a MySQL database and sends a Firebase Cloud message (to be received by an Android app that just parses the data and displays notifications whether the hamster is running and how far he has run).
requires the python modules rpi.gpio
, pyfcm
, peewee
, and mysqlclient
pip install rpi.gpio pyfcm peewee mysqlclient
Adjust the configuration, in particular your wheel's circumference, mysql connection parameters, etc., and comment out features you don't need, like the Firebase Cloud messaging.
The PHP-script, found in php/
, requires the composer modules twig
and php-units-of-measure
. It displays daily, monthly, and session statistics. This shows it in action.