Extension for phpBB 3.1 to let visitors quickly switch board styles.
Based on Prime Quick Style for phpBB 3.0, by Ken F. Innes IV (primehalo)
- Adds a drop-down selector to the header, which detects a selection change and triggers a board style change through the UCP.
- Automatically redirects back to the original page being viewed after style has changed.
- Works for guests too, but uses a special cookie instead.
- ACP module to set guest access and whether to use the default template location:
EVENT overall_header_navigation_prepend
- phpBB 3.1.2 or higher
- PHP 5.3.3 or higher
- English
- Spanish
- Estonian
- Arabic
- Croatian
- Russian
- Dutch
- Choose a better template event to include it in the header. The current position is not ideal. Especially for responsive layout.
- Perhaps switch from an old-school element to something more fancy. Installation Download the latest release and unzip it. Copy the entire contents from the unzipped folder to phpBB/ext/paybas/quickstyle/. Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage extensions. Find Quick Style under "Disabled Extensions" and click Enable. Uninstallation Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Manage extensions. Click the Disable link for Quick Style. To permanently uninstall, click Delete Data, then delete the quickstyle folder from phpBB/ext/paybas/. License GNU General Public License v2 © 2015 - PayBas