Patuli (Pahlawan Tuli) is an application designed to serve as a platform for learning and practicing Bisindo sign language. Our aim is to help users who are interested in learning sign language to develop a better understanding and eventually communicate with the deaf and hard of hearing community.
We hope that our application will empower users to connect with and support individuals with hearing impairments.
- Auto update model for sign language detection
- Object detection for sign language using front and back Camera
- Exercises to hone sign language skills with the help of camera detection
- Provides a wide variety of sign language detection models, ranging from alphabets, numbers to words.
- Provides UI to accommodate camera translation results, so you won't forget the results that have been generated by our AI.
- Provides gamification that makes users more excited to spell and practice sign language.
- edit profile according to your preference
- Clone this repository
- After that you need to place this URL list inside the local.properties project file.
api.url ="https://master-dot-patuli-project.et.r.appspot.com/api/v1/" abjad.url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/patuli-storage/ML-Model/abjad.tflite" angka.url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/patuli-storage/ML-Model/angka.tflite" kata.url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/patuli-storage/ML-Model/kata.tflite" abjadlite.url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/patuli-storage/ML-Model/abjad_lite.tflite" angkalite.url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/patuli-storage/ML-Model/angka_lite.tflite" katalite.url = "https://storage.googleapis.com/patuli-storage/ML-Model/kata_lite.tflite"
- Android ktx
- Lifecycle & Livedata
- Material Design 3
- Coroutines
- TFlite
- Koin Dependencies Injection
- Datastore
- CameraX
- Chucker
- Retrofit 2
- Glide
- Ok Http 3
- Air Bnb Lottie
- Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 Patch 2
- Postman
- Figma