Efficient image search using high-dimensional techniques for accurate similarity retrieval.
Project for DB2 course that allows you to perform image search based on similarity using the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm. It provides a user-friendly interface where you can upload an image and retrieve the most similar images from a pre-populated image database.
- Upload an image to search for similar images using a 128 dimension vector per image.
- Specify the value of K to control the number of similar images to retrieve.
- Display the best match image along with other relevant search results.
- Show the names and distances of the search results.
implementation- Comparison between search algorithms.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/image-search-app.git
# then open the folder
Recomended: Use conda to manage the environment and easily install all libraries
Updates an environment called my_env
with the data from the .yaml
$ conda env update -n my_env --file environment.yaml
Create a new environment
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate the environment
$ conda activate bdd3
If you want to use pip instead, use:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Python 3.10 (Python 3.11 won't work)
- Flask
- NumPy
- Face Recognition
- Faiss (for high-dimensional search)
- Sequential and Rtree (for alternative KNN search methods)
[Optional] Run the startup.py
file, it will create the encodings (encodings.pickle)
and the r-tree. It will take a few minutes if done with the HOG
algorithm and a couple hours if done with CNN
python startup.py
Then just run the app
python app.py
Access the application by visiting http://localhost:5000 or in your web browser.
Upload an image using the provided interface.
Enter the value of K (number of similar images to retrieve) if not, it's 5 by default.
To implement alternative KNN search methods (such as sequential search or Rtree), follow these steps:
The Flask route
@app.route('/upload', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def upload_pic():
calls the search method function
results, names, similarity_scores, best_result = highd_knn(img, numeric_value)
The search method function
# loads the "Database"
r_data = pickle.loads(open("encodings.pickle", "rb").read())
# turns the given image into a cv2 image
img_array = np.frombuffer(img, np.uint8)
image = cv2.imdecode(img_array, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
# compares and generates results
# finally returns
# images[1:] -> resultados (without the best result) <class 'list' <class 'str'> >
# f_names[1:] -> names (without the [0] which is the best result) <class 'list' <class 'str'> >
# D[0][1:] -> all distances (generated by FAISS algorithm) <class 'numpy.ndarray' <class 'numpy.float32'> >
# images[0] -> best result image path <class 'str'>
return images[1:], f_names[1:], D[0], images[0]
With that in consideration, the frontend should work with the new search algorithm !
Para el informe, ingrese a la carpeta others