Website for hospital functionality for Unihacks 2023 Hackathon
- Basic UI
- Navbar
- Titlebar
- Dashboard
- Material3 theme (Yoinked from BrightShard's website)
- Email
- Store emails in database
- Send emails to doctors/Reply to emails from doctors
- Receive emails from doctors
- Mark as read after viewing
- Improve email UI
- Schedule
- Store time/date in database
- View upcoming checkups
- Schedule future appointments
- Change appointment times?
- Care Team/Staff Info
- Bio for doctors
- Pictures for doctors
- Users
- Store users in database
- User authentication
- Check multiple user support afterwards
- User/profile settings?
- Clean Code (Optional)
- Merge Jekyll server into Rocket server
- Rust SCSS parser
- Rust Liquid parser, or replace Liquid with Rocket's templating system
- Use actual database instead of Serde w/ Postcard
- Merge Jekyll server into Rocket server