Amazon is an American Multinational Corporation focusing on a variety of industries, like e-commerce, cloud computing, online advertising, and artificial intelligence. We, in this project focus on the e-commerce platform hosted by amazon, on the web-app The functionalities of each runnable file is given in the following sections of this file.
- Python version 2.7 and above
- Selenium module installed
- CSV module installed
- Time module installed
pip install selenium
- Pre-defined: URL: Amazon Bags Search
- Function: Traverses to the above URL. Extracts the following data
- Name
- Price
- Ratings
- Number of Ratings
- Gathers the above mentioned information for upto 10 pages (Hard coded, can be changed)
- Output: CSV files for each page.
- Features :
- Custom user agent to mimic real browser
- Custom scrolling, to overcome dynamic page load
- Explicit wait to reduce bot suspicion
- Explicit wait before writing to csv file
- : Under construction!!