The xATLy toolbox facilitates the reading, visualization, and processing of ICESat-2 ATL03 and ATL08 in HDF5 format with the end goal of generating customized along-track terrain and canopy height data sets.
Overview of the toolbox features include:
- Read and write raw ATL03 point cloud
- Derive classified ATL03 point cloud
- Derive aboveground level (normalized) point clouds
- Read ATL08 segment-level, canopy and terrain attributes
- Plot ATL03 point clouds
- Calculate custom canopy and terrain heights
- Generate and write auxillary geospatial layers as shapefile or KML
- Reference ground tracks
- 100-m ATL08 segment-level polygons
- Custom segment-level polygons
Explore the following examples on how to use the toolbox features.
- Working with ICE2Veg toolbox | MATLAB Live Script | pdf
- Custom Canopy and Terrain Height Calculations | MATLAB Live Script | pdf
- The toolbox requires MATLAB (Release 2021+), the Curve fitting toolbox, Mapping toolbox and the Statistics toolbox
- To install the toolbox, download the package file and follow MATLAB'S documentation on installing packages.
Lonesome Malambo (2023). xATLy: Extending ICESat-2 ATL03 and ATL08 Products for Land and Vegetation Analyses (, GitHub. Retrieved Retrieval date.