Extensible framework for creating tabular reports from any type.
- source - A type
from which you want to create a report. - report - Composition of rows and columns.
- row - An element of a report, contained by column. It must contain at least one column. It is never an endpoint of a report.
- column - An element of a report (report is a column, not a row). It can contain either rows or an endpoint.
- endpoint - An instance of object. It carries a useful information you want to put in a report.
- reporter - Creates a report as
from source using queries. - query - The information about how to process a source to get rows or a column.
- interpreting - The act of translating a report as
to real-world data fields you extracted from source. - branching - Continuing the reporter projection in a recursive manner.
The TestResult
reporting procedure is as follows:
- Get instances from which you want to create a report.
- Tell what your report should look like using queries.
- Fire reporter as
which does the projection. - Format the obtained xml-like report as
using yourIFormatter
or the ready oneSimpleTextFormatter
(shipped with this framework). Then, the result isSystem.string
or any other class you have chosen to represent your in-memory report. - Save your report to disk.
- Read your report back.
- Parse your report back to
. - Interpret
- translate its rows and columns to desired data types.
Let's introduce an example type that roughly corresponds to the unit test results tree in some IDE.
public class TestResult
public string TestName { get; set; }
public TimeSpan ExecutionTime { get; set; }
public bool Result { get; set; }
public string AssertType { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<TestResult> InnerTests { get; set; }
public TestResult(string testName, TimeSpan executionTime,
bool result, string assertType, IEnumerable<TestResult> innerTests)
// ...
// ...
using TabularReporting.Abstractions;
using TabularReporting;
// ...
// 1. Prepare result
IEnumerable<TestResult> result = new[] {
new TestResult("TestMethod0", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), true, "Equal", null),
new TestResult("TestMethod1", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), false, "MultiTrue",
new TestResult("Subtest0", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), true, "True", null),
new TestResult("Subtest1", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), false, "True", null)),
new TestResult("TestMethod2", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), true, "Contains", null),
new TestResult("TestMethod3", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), true, "Equal", null),
new TestResult("TestMethod4", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), true, "Empty", null) };
// 2. Define column (report) query
IColumnQuery counterColQuery = new CounterColumnQuery(); // Mutable class - it's an ordinal column
IEnumerable<IRowQuery> reportQueries = new IRowQuery[] {
new OneTimeRowQuery( // 2a. Define first header row
new ColumnWithStrQuery("Date"),
new ColumnWithStrQuery(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString())),
new OneTimeRowQuery( // 2b. Define second header row
new ColumnWithStrQuery("Tested by"),
new ColumnWithStrQuery("Me")),
new OneTimeRowQuery( // 2c. Define third header row
new ColumnWithStrQuery("Final result"),
new ColumnWithStrQuery(result.All(tr => tr.Result) ? "Passed" : "Failed")),
// 2c. Define body
new ByAssertTypeFilter("Equal",
new NameGetter(),
new ExecTimeInSecondsGetter(),
new ResultGetter()),
new ByAssertTypeFilter("MultiTrue",
new NameGetter(),
new ExecTimeInSecondsGetter(),
new ColumnWithRowsBranchedQuery<TestResult>(tr => tr.InnerTests,
new EveryRowQuery(
new NameGetter(),
new ExecTimeInSecondsGetter(),
new ResultGetter()))
) };
// 3. Report
IColumn reportedColumn =
new Reporter<TestResult>().Report(result, reportQueries);
// 4. Format
string formattedReport = new SimpleTextFormatter().Format(reportedColumn);
// 5. Write
string reportPath = new SimpleTextWriter().WriteReport(formattedReport, Path.GetTempPath(), "MyReport");
// 6. Read
string readReport = new SimpleTextReader().ReadReport(reportPath);
Assert.Equal(formattedReport, readReport);
// 7. Parse
IColumn parsedColumn = new SimpleTextParser().Parse(readReport);
// 8. Interpret
string finalResult = parsedColumn[ColumnLocation.Root.Nest(2, 1)].ToString();
// etc...
<Column>Tested by</Column>
<Column>Final result</Column>
¦ Date ¦ 21.03.2020 ¦
¦ Tested by ¦ Me ¦
¦ Final result ¦ Failed ¦
¦ 0 ¦ TestMethod0 ¦ 2 ¦ True ¦
¦ 1 ¦ TestMethod1 ¦ 2 ¦ Subtest0 ¦ 1 ¦ True ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦----------+---+-------¦
¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Subtest1 ¦ 1 ¦ False ¦
¦ 2 ¦ TestMethod3 ¦ 2 ¦ True ¦
You can create reports from any type as long as you have some queries which tell the reporter how to process that type.
Adapt the elementary TestStand type to .NET world.
public class EnumerablePropertyObject : PropertyObject, IEnumerable<EnumerablePropertyObject>
readonly PropertyObject _propObj;
public EnumerablePropertyObject(PropertyObject propObj)
_propObj = propObj ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(propObj));
// ...
// PropertyObject implementation
// ...
public IEnumerator<EnumerablePropertyObject> GetEnumerator()
if (!_propObj.IsArray()) // If PropertyObject is not an array do not iterate.
yield break;
int numElements = _propObj.GetNumElements();
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++)
yield return new EnumerablePropertyObject(_propObj.GetPropertyObjectByOffset(i,
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
Tell how to process PropertyObject
internal class FormattedValueGetter : ISourcedColumnQuery<EnumerablePropertyObject>
// ...
public FormattedValueGetter(string prefix, string lookupString, string postfix, string printfFormat = "")
// ...
// ...
EnumerablePropertyObject ISourcedColumnQuery<EnumerablePropertyObject>.Source { get => _source; set => _source = value; }
Union2<IEnumerable<IRowQuery>, object> IColumnQuery.Content =>
new Union2<IEnumerable<IRowQuery>, object>.Case2(_prefix +
string.Empty) +
internal class NumericDiff : ISourcedColumnQuery<EnumerablePropertyObject>
// ...
public NumericDiff(double initialValue, string lookupString, string format = "F3")
// ...
EnumerablePropertyObject ISourcedColumnQuery<EnumerablePropertyObject>.Source { get => _source; set => _source = value; }
Union2<IEnumerable<IRowQuery>, object> IColumnQuery.Content
double actual = _source.GetValNumber(_lookupString, PropertyOptions.PropOption_NoOptions);
double diff = actual - _register;
_register = actual;
return new Union2<IEnumerable<IRowQuery>, object>.Case2(string.Format($"{{0:{_format}}}", diff));
public NumericDiff Reset(double newInitialValue)
_register = newInitialValue;
return this;
internal class ByStepTypeFilter : ISourcedRowQuery<EnumerablePropertyObject>
// ...
public ByStepTypeFilter(string stepType, IEnumerable<IColumnQuery> colQueries)
// ...
// ...
IEnumerable<IColumnQuery> IRowQuery.ColumnQueries => _colQueries;
EnumerablePropertyObject ISourcedRowQuery<EnumerablePropertyObject>.Source { get => _source; set => _source = value; }
bool IRowQuery.Predicate =>
_source.GetValString("TS.StepType", PropertyOptions.PropOption_NoOptions) == _stepType;
Use TabularReporting.TestStand.FluentRowBuilder
for convenient in-TestStand use.
// ...
// 1. Define column descriptions.
IRowQuery columnNamesRow =
// 2. Define rows made from NumericLimitTest steps.
IRowQuery numericLimitTestRow =
.AddColWithFormattedValue("Value: ", "Numeric", string.Empty)
.AddColNumericDiff(mainSequenceResult.GetValNumber("TS.StartTime", 0x0), "TS.StartTime")
// 3. Define rows made from MultipleNumericLimitTest steps.
IRowQuery multipleNumericLimitTestRow =
FluentRowBuilder.CreateRowBuilder().AddColWithFormattedValue("Data", "%.3f").BuildEveryRow())
.AddColNumericDiff(mainSequenceResult.GetValNumber("TS.StartTime", 0x0), "TS.StartTime")
// 4. Report (the projection happens here).
IColumn reportColumn = new Reporter().Report(mainSequenceResult, columnNamesRow, numericLimitTestRow, multipleNumericLimitTestRow);
// 5. Format to textual table.
string reportStr = new SimpleTextFormatter().Format(reportColumn);
// ...
<Column>Numeric Limit Test 0</Column>
<Column>Value: 2.500</Column>
<Column>Multiple Numeric Limit Test 0</Column>
<Column>Numeric Limit Test 1</Column>
<Column>Value: 2.700</Column>
<Column>Numeric Limit Test 2</Column>
<Column>Value: 1.000</Column>
<Column>Multiple Numeric Limit Test 1</Column>
¦ No. ¦ Name ¦ Result ¦ Time ¦
¦ 0 ¦ Numeric Limit Test 0 ¦ Value: 2.500 ¦ 0.064 ¦
¦ 1 ¦ Multiple Numeric Limit Test 0 ¦ 0.000 ¦ 0.006 ¦
¦ ¦ ¦--------------¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ 7.000 ¦ ¦
¦ 2 ¦ Numeric Limit Test 1 ¦ Value: 2.700 ¦ 0.004 ¦
¦ 3 ¦ Numeric Limit Test 2 ¦ Value: 1.000 ¦ 1.006 ¦
¦ 4 ¦ Multiple Numeric Limit Test 1 ¦ 7.000 ¦ 0.005 ¦
¦ ¦ ¦--------------¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦ 1.000 ¦ ¦
- Implement
. - Include call chain in reporter exceptions to make them more readable and thus facilitate composing the report query.
- Consider introducing bidirectional queries to support interpreting.