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Nextflow pipeline for reproducible metabolomics data processing with MS-DIAL.

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nextflow4ms-dial is a bioinformatics best-practise analysis workflow for Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (LC-HRMS) metabolomics data processing

The pipeline is built using Nextflow, a workflow tool to run tasks across multiple compute infrastructures in a very portable manner. It comes with docker containers making installation trivial and results highly reproducible.

The workflow support MacOS and Linux operating systems. Notably, the workflow has been tested successfully on: 1) A MacOS system (version 13.5.1) including a 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 Processor and 16GB memory; 2) A Linux system installed in a public server named HiPerGator ( whose system version was Red Hat Enterprise 8.8.


  1. Install Java version 11+ (the author used 11.0.8).

  2. Install nextflow

  3. Install Docker or Singularity

Quick Start

  1. Download the pipeline repo and dirct to the folder:

    git clone && cd nextflow4ms-dial
  2. Run the pipeline with example data:

    nextflow -profile functional_test > logs/execution.log

Example data and Results

  • Example data:, which is the publicly available data from the publication “Li, Z., Lu, Y., Guo, Y., Cao, H., Wang, Q., & Shui, W. (2018). Comprehensive evaluation of untargeted metabolomics data processing software in feature detection, quantification, and discriminating marker selection. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1029, 50–57”. The data has ten samples in total and five samples in each of the two groups. The protocol regarding processing this data is also publicly available at MetaboLights MTBLS733 (
  • Execution command:
    nextflow -profile docker > logs/execution.log
  • Example results are stored in the "results" folder. Note that the file extensions of all produced ".msdial" files have been changed to ".tsv" which enables the files to be opened with Excel software.
  • The execution logs for the example data are stored at "logs" folder.

Process Your Own Data

  1. Download the pipeline repo and dirct to the folder:
    git clone && cd nextflow4ms-dial
  2. Remove example data, put your raw data files in .mzML or .abf format in the folder data/raw_data/. .mzML format files can be converted from other formats using the software (ProteoWizard-msConvert)[], and .abf format files can be obtained via using the software (Reifycs Abf Converter)[].
  3. Put config files for MS-DIAL and MS-FLO to the data/ folder, and name them msdial_params.txt and msflo_params.ini separately. Example files can be found in functional_test/sample_data/.
  4. Put MS1 library and MS2 library to the data/ folder, and name them ms1_lib.txt and ms2_lib.msp. Example files can be found in functional_test/sample_data/.
  5. Run the pipeline (use "docker" as the profile when running locally, and "singularity" as the profile when running with a high-performance computing system):
    nextflow -profile docker > logs/execution.log


  • Before running for your own data files, make sure the reference file in conf/base.config and the MS-DIAL config file are set correctly.
  • Configuration for running with Docker are set in the file conf/base.config.
  • Configuration for running with High-Performance Computing and Singularity are set in the file conf/HiPerGator.config.
  • Parameters for MS-DIAL and MS-FLO are set in their specific configuration files.


  1. Why one of the process was not executed after pipeline execution?

    • To avoid unexpected error, please do not use any special characters in file names (except underscore).
  2. I allocated 20 CPUs for running the pipeline using Slurm, why I got an error like Process requirement exceed available CPUs -- req: 5; avail: 3

    • Make sure to use --max_cpus instead of --cpus in the config file to define the allocated CPUs for each process.


Dr. Dominick Lemas (Dr. Xinsong Du's Ph.D. advisor) and Xinsong Du play an important role on conceptulization. The nextflow4ms-dial was mainly developed by Xinsong Du.

Semantic Annotations

  • Input: mzML [EDAM:format_3244]
  • Output: CSV [EDAM:format_3752]
  • Operation: peak detection [EDAM:operation_3215]; chromatogram alignment [EDAM:operation_3628]; metabolite identification [EDAM:operation_3803]

Log File Interpretation

  • execution_report.html has information regarding run time and the use of computational resources for the workflow execution.
  • execution_timeline.html has information about the execution timeline of each process.
  • logs/execution.log is an example log file for a successful execution. The log file includes metadata of the execution such as the versions of the dependency (Nextflow) and the workflow, parameter information such as resource allocation and the software container, the workflow execution progress, and the execution log for each process.
  • error.txt is an example error log for a failed execution.

Journal Publication

Please cite the following journal publication if you use Nextflow4MS-DIAL for scientific projects:

  • Du X, Dobrowolski A, Brochhausen M, Garrett TJ, Hogan WR, Lemas DJ. Nextflow4MS-DIAL: A Reproducible Nextflow-Based Workflow for Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics Data Processing. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. Published online January 5, 2025. doi:10.1021/jasms.4c00364