dylan.hamel@protonmail.com - June 2020 - Copyright
This tool contains two modes :
- Integrity & Sanity checks
The idea of this project is to offer a test platform for the network to allow engineers to perform tests without having to write python code (or other languages 😄).
In addition, this platform does not consider the OS, it is possible to run tests on Cisco, Cumulus, Juniper devices without changing the data structure.
- You have to create a Nornir or an Ansible inventory (Example based on an Ansible Inventory)
leaf01 # Cumulus Networks
leaf02 # Cisco Nexus 9k
leaf03 # Arista vEOS
leaf04 # Juniper Networks
leaf05 # Cisco IOS
spine01 # Cumulus Networks
spine02 # Extreme Networks VSP
spine03 # Cisco IOS-XR
- Define device parameters in
platform: linux # <<=== specify device OS (Cumulus Linux)
username: admin
password: Ci$co123
connexion: ssh # <<=== specify connexion method - check supported protocols
port: 22
platform: junos # <<=== specify device OS (Juniper)
username: root
password: Jun1p3r
connexion: netconf # <<=== specify connexion method - check supported protocols
port: 830
platform: eos # <<=== specify device OS (Arista)
username: admin
password: admin123
connexion: api # <<=== specify connexion method - check supported protocols
port: 443
Tests are defined in the file netests.yml
. In this file you can define which test will be executed.
nornir_cfg: ./nornir/config_ansible.yml
inventory: ./inventory/ansible/hosts
test: false
test: false
test: true
test: false
test: false
In truth_vars/
you need to define the configuration that you want on your production devices.
There are three ways to define variables :
- For a specific host - define your configuration in
LLDP configuration
- local_name: leaf03
local_port: Ethernet1
neighbor_name: cumulus
neighbor_os: Cumulus Linux version 4.0.0
neighbor_port: swp1
neighbor_type: ["Bridge", "Router"]
Will test that the neighbor on the port
is a device namedcumulus
and the connexion is on the portswp1
- For all hosts defined in a group - such as
- define intruth_vars/groups/group/protocol.yml
Group is spine-arista
Facts configuration
domain: dh.local
version: 4.24.0F
Will test if all devices linked to this group has
as domain name,4.24.0F
as version.
- for all devices - define
truth_vars/all/{{ protocol }}.yml
domain: dh.local
Will test if all devices in your inventory have t domain
The script will connect on each devices, retrieveinformations and campre them with the data define in your truth_vars/
(source of truth).
If the informations are the same the tests is OK 😄
./netests.py -x -i inventory/ansible/hosts -a netests.yml
[netests - base_run.py](ping) is working = True
# -x / Define that you will use an Ansible inventory
# -i / Path to your Ansible inventory
# -a / Path to your netests configuration file (default is netests.yml)
You can get some informations regarding you network configuration directly from the CLI.
This tool will use your Ansible/Nornir/Netbox Inventory. For example :
⚡ ./netests.py -x -i inventory/ansible/hosts -a netests.yml -t
Welcome to Netests CLI
> help
| Netests Help |
| [help] Display help |
| [select] Select devices on which on action will be exec |
| [unselect] Remove a device from the selected |
| [selected] Show devices currently selected |
| [get xx] Get XX protocols informations |
| [options] Set arguments that will retrieve for a Protocol|
| [more xx] Show XX Protocol class arguments selected |
| [show xx] Show XX Protocol class arguments |
| [print yy] Show YY devices informations |
| [compare yy xx] Compare device config with source of truth|
| [exit] Quit Netests CLI |
> help options
| Netests - Options Commands |
| This command is used to define which parameter will be |
| retrieve for a protocol. |
| It is possible to get a subset of protocols parameters. |
| Format : |
| > options {{ protocol }} {{ classArg1,classArg2 }} |
| (To get all protocols parameters use the 'show' command) |
| |
| Examples : |
| > options vrf vrf_name,rd,rt_imp,rt_exp |
{ 'leaf01': { 'connexion': 'ssh',
'hostname': '',
'platform': 'linux',
'port': 22},
'leaf02': { 'connexion': 'api',
'hostname': 'sbx-nxos-mgmt.cisco.com',
'platform': 'nxos',
'port': 443},
'leaf04': { 'connexion': 'netconf',
'hostname': '',
'platform': 'junos',
'port': 40002},
'leaf05': { 'connexion': 'ssh',
'hostname': 'ios-xe-mgmt.cisco.com',
'platform': 'ios',
'port': 8181}}
At the beginning if you use a command to get some network informations, nothing will happend. The reason is that no device is selected.
> get vrf
[[netests - get_vrf]] no device selected.
@End GET
You have to select devices on which one you would get informations
> select *
@Followings devices will be added to the list :
@['leaf01', 'leaf02', 'leaf03', 'leaf04', 'leaf05', 'spine01', 'spine02', 'spine03']
> select leaf01,spine03
@Followings devices will be added to the list :
@['leaf01', 'spine03']
> selected
@Followings devices are selected :
@['leaf01', 'leaf02', 'leaf04', 'leaf05']
Run the command get
and the protocols that you would like retrieve.
> select leaf01,spine03
@Followings devices will be added to the list :
@['leaf01', 'spine03']
> get vrf
>>>>> spine03
{ 'ListVRF': [ { 'VRF': { 'exp_targ': 'NOT_SET',
'imp_targ': 'NOT_SET',
'l3_vni': 'NOT_SET',
'rd': 'NOT_SET',
'rt_exp': 'NOT_SET',
'rt_imp': 'NOT_SET',
'vrf_id': 'NOT_SET',
'vrf_name': 'MGMT_VRF',
'vrf_type': 'NOT_SET'}},
{ 'VRF': { 'exp_targ': 'NOT_SET',
'imp_targ': 'NOT_SET',
'l3_vni': 'NOT_SET',
'rd': 'NOT_SET',
'rt_exp': '65000:1',
'rt_imp': '65000:1',
'vrf_id': 'NOT_SET',
'vrf_name': 'EXTERNAL_PEERING',
'vrf_type': 'NOT_SET'}}]}
>>>>> leaf01
{ 'ListVRF': [ { 'VRF': { 'exp_targ': 'NOT_SET',
'imp_targ': 'NOT_SET',
'l3_vni': 'NOT_SET',
'rd': 'NOT_SET',
'rt_exp': 'NOT_SET',
'rt_imp': 'NOT_SET',
'vrf_id': '1001',
'vrf_name': 'mgmt',
'vrf_type': 'NOT_SET'}}]}
@End GET
> compare facts
{ 'Facts': { 'base_mac': 'NOT_SET',
'build': 'fc2',
'domain': 'NOT_SET',
'hostname': 'csr1000v',
'interfaces_lst': [ 'GigabitEthernet1',
'memory': '8113280',
'model': 'CSR1000V',
'serial': '9OOFTICVAFM',
'vendor': 'Cisco',
'version': '16.9.3'}}
[netests - compare_facts] Key infos_data is missingfor leaf05 or no Facts data has been found.
@The following devices have the same configuration that defined in the source of truth :
Dylan Hamel - dylan.hamle@protonmail.com