This role is used for installing and configuring the Wazuh client on Ubuntu and RedHat based operating systems.
Restrictions for this library are in:
- CentOS 7 or Rocky Linux 8
- Ubuntu distribution, recommended versions above 18.04
- Ansible version 2.8
This role was developed following the instructions available on the Wazuh
And using the role as a base
wazuh_version: "4.x"
wazuh_manager_ip: ""
wazuh_manager_port: "1514"
wazuh_registration_port: "1515"
wazuh_manager_protocol: "tcp"
wazuh_agent_group: "server-linux"
wazuh_registration_password: ""
wazuh_autoupdate: true
- wazuh_version: Sets the Wazuh Agent repository version (Ex: 4.x)
- wazuh_release_package: Sets the package Wazuh Agent release version (Ex: 4.2.5-1)
- wazuh_autoupdate: Defines if agent package repository will be active. If true, keep the repository. If false, it will remove the repository thus preventing package autoupdate
- wazuh_registration_password: Password for registration in Wazuh Server Manager
- wazuh_manager_ip: IP Wazuh Server Manager
- name: Install and Configure Wazuh Agent
hosts: all
- role: "ansible-wazuh-agent"
- wazuh_manager_ip: ""
- wazuh_registration_password: "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"
Packages needed to install
- molecule
- molecule-docker
- molecule-goss
Run the commands to install
pip install molecule
pip install molecule-docker
pip install molecule-goss
pip install jmespath
To run the test run the command below in specific or default scenario
- test_check_open_ports
- test_disable_autoupdate
- test_with_version
molecule test # run default scenario
molecule test -s specific_scenario # run specific scenario