Create Firebase account and a new project
Open the Database page and create a new Realtime Database
In the rules tab of the Database, change the rules to:
{ "rules": { "$uid": { ".read": "auth.uid === $uid", ".write": "auth.uid === $uid" } } }
Under Develop > Authentication > Sign-in method, enable the Anonymous sign-in provider
- In the js/index.js file, add a new config dictionary.
- In the Firebase project overview, click on "Add Firebase to your web app" and copy the
var config
. Add it to the newly created config dictionary like in the other examples. - In the config dictionary, makes sure to include the keys
apiKey: "APIKEY",
authDomain: "ski-dataset.firebaseapp.com",
databaseURL: "https://ski-dataset.firebaseio.com",
projectId: "ski-dataset",
storageBucket: "ski-dataset.appspot.com",
messagingSenderId: "ID",
move_closest: false,
suggestions: true,
image_size: 900,
invisible_joints_color: "blue",
num_cameras: 1,
num_images: {},
limb_names: ["Person"],
camera_visible_limbs: [[0]],
part_names: ['head_top', 'neck',
'right_shoulder', 'right_ellbow', 'right_hand', 'right_pole_basket',
'left_shoulder', 'left_ellbow', 'left_hand', 'left_pole_basket',
'right_hip', 'right_knee', 'right_ankle',
'left_hip', 'left_knee', 'left_ankle',
'right_ski_tip', 'right_toes', 'right_heel', 'right_ski_rear',
'left_ski_tip', 'left_toes', 'left_heel', 'left_ski_rear'],
bones: [[0,1], [1,2], [2,3], [3,4], [4,5], [1,6], [6,7], [7,8], [8,9],
[2,10], [10,11], [11,12], [6,13], [13,14], [14,15],
[16,17], [17,18], [18,19], [12,17], [12,18],
[20,21], [21,22], [22,23], [15,21], [15,22]]
Images must be named in the following convention: camera_0_img_000001.png
Place them inside the ./data/
folder. Images can be placed in subfolders.
Open index.html
in a web browser and change the URL to point to the specified folder like in the following example:
is the folder inside the./data/
folder where the images to annotate are located.frames=s1e24
specifies the range of imagesext=.png
specifies the file extension of the imagesconfig=ski_dataset
specifies the name of the config created in the setup
Provide an identification on the top of the page. Using the buttons (or keyboard shortcuts), various settings like high or low confidence in points or moving the closest point can be toggled.
You can download all your annotations using Google Firebase, using Database --> Export Json. You can parse the json code using a modified version of the the following code:
# parse json file annotations
if not self.unlabeled and isfile(self.json_file):
json_data = json.load(open(self.json_file, "r"))
for session_id in json_data.keys():
if session_id not in self.session_id_train_list:
print("Ignoring session id: {}".format(session_id))
for folder_name in json_data[session_id]["data"].keys():
if folder_name not in self.folder_train_list:
for image_name in json_data[session_id]["data"][folder_name].keys():
key = ("/data/annot/" + folder_name, image_name)
# for the hand annotations, it is always correct ordering
self.cidread2cid[key[FOLDER_NAME]] = np.arange(skeleton.num_cameras)
cid_read, img_id = parse_img_name(image_name)
pts = json_data[session_id]["data"][folder_name][image_name]["position"]
print("Cannot get annotation for key ({},{})".format(key[0], key[1]))
self.annotation_dict[key] = np.array(pts)
To have run the tool under localhost you can use python simple html server, under the root folder,
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Then, you can access to the annotation tool at localhost:8000.
Thanks Roman Bachmann for creating this README.