This repository includes codes and data regarding the paper "Predicting efficiency/effectiveness trade-offs for retrieval strategy selection". In this work, we propose two classifiers in order to select a suitable retrieval strategy to maintain the trade-off between the cost and utility of sparse vs. dense vs. hybrid retrievers for individual queries.
In order to train the classifier to decide the appropriate retrieval strategy per query i.e., sparse vs dense vs hybrid. First we need to label the training queries. Since sparse retriever has lower cost compared to dense retriever, we set the query class=0 (sparse retriever) if the sparse retriever can retrieve and rank any relevant document among top-T retrieved documents. Otherwise, we prefer the more expensive and complex dense retriever with class label =1.
Clone this repository and then download the Labels for all queries in MSMARCO training set train_labels_sparse_vs_dense_T50.tsv
when T=50 by and store it in the same directory as train and test files.
The labeling file is formatted as follows:
to train a cross-encoder model with bert-base-uncased
and save it under models
directory. The following parameter can be changed for the training in
: The initial pretrained model can be changed undervariableepoch_num
: number of epochsbatch_size
: batch size for training
Training should take less than 1 hour on RTX2080 GPU.
If you are not willing to train the model, you can download the trained sparse vs dense model from here and store it under models
we test our trained sparse vs dense classifier on MSMARCO small dev set queriees (
). Run
and the trained model can be changed under model_name
. The results should be saved under results
repository as
in the following format:
Based on the sparse vs dense classifier prediction, the query should be retrieved by the retriever with higher probability.
Training the sparse vs hybrid classifier is similar to sparse vs dense classifier. However, since in this setting,we would first retrieve with sparse retriever and then will merge the pool of retrieved documents by sparse retrieved with dense retrieved if necessary, we utilize another piece of information i.e., retrieved documents by sparse retrievers. Therefore, we train a similar cross encoder by using queries as well as first retrieved documents by the sparse retriever. The labeling schema and training setting is the same.
Train label file , train_label_sparse_vs_hybrid_T50.tsv
for sparse vs hybrid includes the query, first retreievd docuent , and the labels.
and the following parameter can be changed for the training :
: The initial pretrained model can be changed undervariable e.e.,bert-based-uncased
: number of epochsbatch_size
: batch size for training The model will be saved undermodels
directory. e.g.,sparse_vs_hybrid_model_berrt-based-uncased_e1_b32
If you are not willing to train the model, you can download the trained sparse vs hybrid model from here and store it undermodels
we test our trained sparse vs dense classifier on MSMARCO small dev set queries and their first retrieved documents by bm25 (
). Run
and the trained model can be changed under model_name
. The results should be saved under results
repository as
in the following format:
Based on the sparse vs hybrid classifier prediction, the query should be retrieved by the retriever with higher probability.
It should be noted that in both clasifiers, if you are willing to rank queries based on their probability of being assigned to sparse retriever, you can set num_labels=1
when training and testing. As a result, for each query, you will get only one probability of success when retrieviing with dense retriever, you can rank them on descending order to rank queeires based on how good they can be retrieve with sparse retriever. As en example, we trained the sparse vs dense classifier with 2 labels and sparse vs hybrid classifier with one lables which the prediction is formatted as qid<\t>qtext<\t>dense_prob