You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
The Player Character will be the character controlled by the player, you need to have only one player character in the scene, adding more is useless and can bring bugs.
If you want to change the size of your Player, change the "Scale" section in "Transform"
If you want to created several type of player character with different abilities for example, you can "Right Click" on the content drawer, "create a new Blueprint Class" and look for "BP_Player". You can do this as many player character as you want
Max Health (Float) : The maximum health the character has
Speed (Float) : The movement speed of the character
Debug (Bool) : Allow you to see the hitboxes of abilities
Abilities (Array of Ability) : they’re the abilities the character will be able to use in play mode, to see how to define an ability, check Ability
The Enemy Character will be a character controlled by a simple AI, you can have as many enemy as you want in the scene, they will always focus the player once it enters their aggro range.
The AI gets the ability it can use when the player is on range to hit him and according to this list, it launch a random attack.
If you want to change the size of your Enemy, change the "Scale" section in "Transform"
If you want to created several type of player character with different abilities for example, you can "Right Click" on the content drawer, "create a new Blueprint Class" and look for "BP_Enemy". You can do this as many enemies as you want
Max Health (Float) : The maximum health the character has
Speed (Float) : The movement speed of the character
Debug (Bool) : Allow you to see the hitboxes of abilities
Abilities (Array of Ability) : they’re the abilities the character will be able to use in play mode, to see how to define an ability, check Ability
Basic Aggro Range (Float) : The range the enemy will start following and attaking the player
Extanded Aggro Range (Float) : This range will replace Basic Aggro Range when the player take the aggro of an enemy or if he hit an enemy, the range is reset once the ennemy wait 3 seconds at its original position
You can see both of aggro range when you focus the enemy in edit mode.
Abilities are attacks the player and enemies will be using. All abilities can be used every type of players and enemies, only the animations has to be adapted to match the skeleton mesh of your character.
In game, your abilities are represented by an icon that you choose during the ability’s creation, if you hover them with your mouse, you can see the range of the ability.
There is also icons on ability if they are special, for instance if you see this icon :
This means the ability is a charged attack and the user has to keep the button pressed when launching it.
If you want to created abilities, you can "Right Click" on the content drawer, "create a new Blueprint Class" and look for "Ability". You can do this as many times as you want
And if you want to duplicate an ability, you just have to right click on an ability and click "Duplicate".
Global :
Damage (Float) : The base damage the ability is dealing if it hits its target
Range (Float) : The range of the ability
Radius (Float) : The witdh of the ability
Forward Offset (Float) : The offset on the attack hitbox at the start of it
Cooldown (Float) : The time you have to wait until you can launch the ability again
Image (Texture 2D) : The icon displayed on the UI in game (Useless for enemies).
VFX (Niagara System) : Play the referenced VFX
Scale VFX (Vector) : Define the scale of the VFX
SFX (Sound Cue) : Play the referenced sound
Animation (Anim Sequence) : The animation played when the ability is launched
⚠️ The animation has to have a Hit Trigger and a Reset State, check Ability Animation⚠️
Ranged Attack :
Is Ranged Attack (Bool) : The attack’ll be launched at cursor position or at Max Range
Max Range (Float) : The maximum range the ability canbe launched
Charged Attack :
Is Charged Attack (Bool) : The attack’ll be charged and then used once the key is release
Max Time (Float) : Time needed to get the maximum damage output of the attack
Multiplier (Float) : Damage multiplier once max time is reached
Attack Animation (Anim Sequence) : The actual animation played when the ability is launched
⚠️ Animation in Global should be the charging animation, this one is the actual attack⚠️ -
Charged VFX (Niagara System) : The VFX played when charging
Charged Scale VFX (Vector) : The Scale of the VFX played
Charged SFX (Sound Cue) : The SFX played during the charging
This section gather all UI elements of the game , you can modify them but make sure to not delete any element.
This is the UI that display the ability, it has :
A Backgroung image
An Ability Image that display the icon of the ability
A Cooldown bar that display roughly the actual cooldown of the ability
An Ability Key text that display the key to press to launch the ability
An ABility Icon that display an icon if the ability has a special effect
It’s the UI that display all the ability icons, it has 5 Ability UI in a row and you can move the abilities wherever you want.
It’s the health bar that is displayed on top of enemies, it has a single progress bar.
It’s the health bar that is displayed at the top left of the screen, it has a single progress bar and you can move it wherever you want.
It’s the bar that is displayed when you use a charging ability, it has a single progress bar and you can move it wherever you want.
This one is a little special since its not a user widget but an actor, you can change its static mesh and its materials
This widget is displayed when the player dies, it contains :
A Lose text that display a text
A Restart Button that allow the player to restart the current level
A QuitButton that allow the player to quit the game
This widget is displayed when the player get the final Chest, it contains :
A Won text that display a text
A QuitButton that allow the player to quit the game
The animation you want to trigger when launching your attack has to have a "Hit trigger" and a "Reset State", they’re Animation Notify,
Hit trigger is an event that trigger the hitbox of the ability, so that its enabled at a precise frame and not at the beginning, you can add it to your Amin Sequence :
Open your animation
Right Click on the notify bar
Select "Add Notify" and "AN_HitTrigger"
Place it where you want the attack to hit the enemies
Reset State is an event that reset the state of your character so he can act again, you can add it to your Amin Sequence :
Open your animation
Right Click on the notify bar
Select "Add Notify" and "AN_ResetState"
Place it when you want the animation to be cancelable by another one
Video example of how to implement :
Release : 0.9
Developper : Arnaud Benier Moine
Mail : benier.arnaud@bellecour.pro
Student at Bellecour École in 2nd year of Game Programming.