- Any system with basic configuration.
- Operating System : Any (Windows / Linux / Mac).
- Updated browser
- Python installed (If not download it here).
- Any text editor of your choice.
git clone https://github.com/NVombat/YoutubeVideoFetcher.git
cd server
- Setup the .env file for MongoDB, Django & Google YouTube API functionality based on the .env.example file
- For the YouTube API, First set up a project on Google Console, then generate API Keys
Install python dependencies using pip
$ pip install -r server/requirements.txt
Start the Django server
$ python3 manage.py runserver
First stop any pre-running Redis Server, then restart the Redis Server & check its status
$ sudo service redis-server stop
$ sudo service redis-server restart
$ sudo service redis-server status
Activate the Redis Server & test if its up and running
$ redis-server
$ redis-cli ping -> SHOULD RESPOND WITH PONG
Redis Server is now running in the background
Open two new terminal windows and go to the "server" directory
$ cd server
In one of the windows run celery worker so it is ready to receive tasks
$ celery -A core worker -l info
In the other window run celery beat so the task scheduler is ready for action
$ celery -A core beat -l info -s /path/to/file
Celery & Redis Have been used to create and run the task of fetching video data from the YouTube API repeatedly after a certain time interval
Use Postman to send GET requests to the server at specific URLs:
$ - GET request
$ - GET request
- The first URL uses the YouTube API to fetch video data, and then stores it in the database
- The second URL queries the database based on the parameters passed in the request to return a paginated response of the result of the request sent to the first URL
- If the results for a query are not in the database, a request is made using the YouTube API and the results are fetched at that moment (Dynamic Searching)