This code is designed to work with the OpenStudio Server and may not be appropriate for solo use.
It contains modified versions of existing R packages to fit the parallelization needs of the OS-Server.
In most cases, the existing parallelization is replaced with one that takes an externally defined cluster object and then uses the clusterApplyLB
or parApplyLB
method in R::Parallel.
These modified algorithms are available from the following R packages:
- NSGA2 (Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm 2) multi-objective optimization
- SPEA2 (Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm 2) multi-objective optimization
- GA (optimization using genetic algorithms - single-objective optimization)
- GAIslands (optimization using Islanding genetic algorithms - single-objective optimization)
- PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) single-objective optimization
Please contact @bball or @nllong with any question regarding this project. Thanks for you interest!