This project aims to analyze the current state of water access in Maji Ndogo, a fictional country, using data collected from a comprehensive survey. The focus of this analysis is to understand the extent of water access challenges faced by residents in Maji Ndogo, identify key factors influencing water access, and propose actionable recommendations for improving the situation. By examining the dataset and visualizations, we aim to provide valuable insights that can inform decision-making processes and facilitate targeted interventions to enhance water access in the country.
What are the main findings and key insights regarding water access in Maji Ndogo? How many individuals in Maji Ndogo face water access challenges, and what are these challenges? What is the estimated budget required to address water access challenges in Maji Ndogo, and how should this budget be allocated? How does the water access situation in Maji Ndogo compare to the national and provincial levels, and what insights can be drawn from these comparisons?
Steps taken toward the completion of this project include:
- Cleaning the dataset
- Data transformation in Power Query Editor
- Creating measures using DAX functions
- Data Visualization