We researched and found that there are many apps for women, but they are limited to a specific section. For a woman to get access to help and care in different aspects, she has to load her mobile with multiple apps.
FEMbrace is an app ' for women, by women '. It is an amalgamation of various features to support and empower women to help the women's community in the most basic and effortless ways. It is a community that depends on the women being able to share their views on things that would benefit other women. From finding a safe community to keeping up with your health, this app has got you covered.
Two of our team members had a background in mobile app development using React Native, and the other member had a web development background. We decided to go with a mobile app, but it became a little overwhelming for the third member to learn React Native in a short amount of time. Moreover, we came up with many features and had to filter them for the most relevant and do-able features. This cost us some time. But our past experiences in hackathons came in handy, and with teamwork, we were able to come up with a working app.
We are most proud of the number of features we were able to finish in just 24 hours. We are proud of our UI since none of us are UI designers. We are also proud that even if the team members were from different domains, we could still develop a cohesive app.
- Profile gist: By clicking the profile avatar, you can visit your complete profile.
Podcasts: You can find a list of all women-centric podcasts that provide thoughtful discussion and inspiration.
Find Toilets: The following pictures clearly portray the conditions of public toilets/restrooms. What kind of effects bad hygiene has on a woman is also shown next to it. So one would refrain from using such a toilet if she somehow knows about its conditions. This is the inspiration behind our next feature.
- By clicking on 'Find toilets', you can see toilets near you on a map. By clicking on any marker, you can see the toilet's details, rating, comments, and answers to the most relevant questions about its condition. Other users of this app give all these reviews and remarks. You can also find a route to a particular toilet by clicking on the directions button.
In case of any emergency, you can see police stations and women support centers near you.
- The week's topic: This section will display infographics about different useful issues for women.
This section has data curated for women's health and lifestyle.
- My periods' guide: This section answers women's most common problems and issues during menstruation. Like:
'Which pad should I use?' provides the statistics on using different sanitary napkins available in your country. By clicking on any brand, you can see the division about the most prominent reason a woman prefers that brand. You can also add your valuable vote.
- Women-specific diseases: This section is explicitly dedicated to only women's conditions or illnesses, which are quite prominent in women. Like:
'Breast Cancer' section provides curated data on how to check yourself for breast cancer symptoms at home, find food, and exercise guidance to prevent and combat it.
A safe space for you to ask any question you want or seek support without embarrassment. How?
The names and any other thing which could reveal your identity won't be displayed along with the messages. As a future scope, we'll be using cryptography to hide the sender's details.
For each message that you write, it would be tested for foul words. If found, your 'discredibility' score will increment by one; when it crosses 5, you will enter a read-only mode, where you would see the chats but not post any.
You can use this feature when you feel low on confidence, or want to de-stress or when you don't actually want to talk to a person. You can make use of Tink, the chatbot. You can let Tink try to resolve your issue, which you can select from the list provided by Tink.
This section is dedicated to connecting women. We have a straightforward method for you to find and connect to other women. All members add their interests during signup so you can connect with a user based on their interests.
The initial list shows you all the users; you can filter it based on whether they share any interest with you or have any specific interests.
While participating in hackathons, we realized that working with new people is an enlightening experience. Hackathons usually have channels to find team members. But what if you want someone to collaborate on music or a digital art projects, but not necessarily for a competition? This is one of the key inspirations behind this section. This section provides means for you to find your collaboration partners or help the women's community by posting about any job opportunity you know. Think of this as a more informal LinkedIn. Just add a posting here with the relevant tags. Any user interested will connect with you.
By clicking on any avatar on both the screens, you can visit that person's profile, where their necessary details and social media handles will be available. By clicking on any list item, you can chat with that person.
- Write and post your blogs in the app.
- Allow any user to create and manage different topic channels to discuss that topic openly.
- Allow any user to hold any in-app virtual events for the community.
- Include sentiment analysis of the messages in the public chatroom so that no hurtful messages are posted.