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Short info
This page is about the Deep Resonance power generation mod for Minecraft 1.7.10 and 1.8.9.
The basic idea is that you find Resonating Crystal Ore in the world and use the machines implemented in this mod to generate crystals from that. These crystals can then be used to generate power.
This mod will add two types of worldgen:
1. Resonating Crystal ore. At redstone level and slightly more common than diamond (but not much).
2. Almost nearly empty and not very pure crystals in caves. These are rare.
If you generate power from impure crystals (more on this later) you will have a chance of polluting the environment. Depending on how long this goes on, how powerful the crystal is and how many crystals you have this can affect a larger or smaller area. It is important to try to make your crystals as pure as you can. After an area is polluted and no new pollution is generated it will slowly start 'cleaning up' again after some time. In a strongly polluted area all living things will die (plants + animals) and you will get various effects like poison, hunger, ...
The polution is a kind of radiation that emits while crystals are generating power. The amount of radiation depends both on the purity as well as the power that the crystal has. A really powerful crystal that is very unpure will be able to affect a large area with radiation. The only way to completely eliminate radiation is with 100% pure crystals.
Polution effects will be (in this order of severity):
- hunger
- slowness
- poison
- wither
In addition at regular intervals Deep Resonance will kill all plant life and animals in a certain area in the affect radius of the generator. Possibly destroying farmland as well as replacing dirt with 'polluted dirt'.
Obsidian and lead blocks help shield against this radiation and also this mod adds Dense Obsidian and Dense Glass that help shield even more.
If no power is being generated radiation levels will slowly go down again. Purifying machines will be added (very expensive) to help speed up this process as by default it can take a long time.
This most important feature of this mod is the Resonating Crystal Liquid (RCL in short). You will generate this liquid from the ore and then refine, infuse and crystallize it using various machines provided in this mod. This liquid has several attributes:
- Quality: this basic attribute of a liquid controls the quality and is determined at the time the liquid is generated. A low quality liquid can never be purified or enhanced beyond various levels. It is therefore crucial to make sure top quality liquid is generated by the smelter. More on this later.
- Purity: the purity of a liquid is an important attribute which controls how much pollution a crystal made from this liquid will add to the world. Various techniques exist to enhance the purity of a liquid (provided the quality is high enough).
- Strength: the strength factor controls how much RF can be generated from a crystal made from this liquid. You can change this by infusing the liquid with various materials.
- Efficiency: this factor controls how much RF/t can be generated. This is independent from strength. So you could have a very strong crystal (one that can produce a lot of RF) but with a low efficiency. This crystal will last you a very long time but will not produce a lot of RF/t. Or you can make a weaker crystal with high efficiency. This crystal will be depleted very quickly but it will give a lot of RF/t during its lifetime.
Because regular fluid tanks have no idea on the specific attributes that RCL has Deep Resonance provides its own tank. This will be a multiblock that supports all liquids but has specific support for RCL by 'mixing' the attributes. For example, if you have a tank containing 1000mB of 70% pure liquid and you add another 1000mB of 90% pure liquid you will end up with 2000 mB of 80% pure liquid. The same for the other attributes of a liquid.
This tank is the basis for most of the machines in this mod.
The crystals are dangerous. Protect them from explosions (creeper or whatever) because if an explosion occurs near them there is a chance they explode too. And the power of this explosion will depend on the power that is in the crystal.
Crystals have the same attributes as RCL (the liquid) except that strength is directly translated to power. A freshly generated crystal starts at a power level equal to the full strength. This will go down as the energy is generated out of the crystal.
When all power is extracted out of a crystal it will turn white and become a depleted crystal. Don't throw these away! They are very useful for the laser.
The smelter needs two tanks. One filled with lava below it and another one filled with RCL above it. It will melt the Resonating Crystal Ore and insert the produced RCL in the tank above it. This smelter gives the best result if the lava tank is exactly filled at 50%:
- Below 25% lava: nothing happens. No ores are melted.
- Below 40% lava: RCL of purity 10% is produced but slower then at 50% lava. The quality will also be slightly reduced.
- 40-60% lava: RCL of purity 10% and best quality is produced at max speed.
- Above 60% lava: RCL of less purity and quality is produced at higher speed.
- Above 75% lava: all ores are wasted. No RCL is produced.
Because you really want to have top quality RCL you must make sure that the lava is always between 40% and 60%. You can use a comparator on the tank or an RFTools liquid monitor to accomplish that.
The filter is an optional machine that purifies RCL. Note that it can never purify above 85% due to limitations in the purification process. As input it needs filter material which is created out of gravel and charcoal/coal. When this material is 'used up' it will be ejected in an adjacent inventory as some poisonous waste product. The filter takes liquid from above and will eject it below. You can attach a filter to a single tank on top of the filter which will make it filter the RCL in place. Note that the filter will add 25% to the purity of every amount of liquid it is purifying (to the max of 85%).
The laser and lens can be used to improve the quality of your liquid even further. This is the only way that you will be able to get the purity of the liquid to 100%. To work this machine needs RF, depleted (or not but that's wasteful) crystals and some kind of catalyst (diamond, enderpearls, glowstone, redstone, ...). It will only start infusing when you apply a redstone signal. If you insert a catalyst the GUI will show you what the improvement will do. Warning! Some catalyst items reduce purity. Never let the purity drop to zero or a lot of the liquid will be destroyed! A good laser setup is to have a smelter -> purifier (to 85%) -> laser to influence strength and/or efficiency -> purifier (to get back to 85%) -> laser to get purity to 100%.
Note that for the laser to work correctly you need: tank, lens, air, laser. Any other configuration will not work. Also be careful! The laser does not know what the effect will be on the liquid. It will just beam energy to the tank and it will do that even if the end result is not useful or if it would destroy the liquid (if purity drops below 0%).
Here is a table of all the current supported catalysts and their effects:
- Diamond: purity +5% (max 100%)
- Emerald: purity +8% (max 100%)
- Ender pearl: purity +2% (max 100%)
- Redstone: purity -1% (min 0%), strength +5% (max 60%)
- Gunpowder: purity -5% (min 0%), strength +8% (max 70%), efficiency +4% (max 60%)
- Glowstone dust: purity -2% (min 0%), strength +6% (max 50%), efficiency +3% (max 50%)
- Blaze powder: purity -6% (min 0%), strength +5% (max 70%), efficiency +5% (max 70%)
- Quartz: purity -1% (min 0%), efficiency +7% (max 80%)
- Netherstar: purity -60% (min 0%), strength +90% (max 100%), efficiency +90% (max 100%)
- Ghast tear: purity -20% (min 0%), strength +25% (max 100%), efficiency +15% (max 100%)
- Slimeball: efficiency -10% (min 1%)
- Coal: purity -1% (min 0%), strength -10% (min 0%)
- Prismarine shard: strength +3% (max 30%), efficiency +3% (max 30%)
- Prismarine crystal: strength +4% (max 35%), efficiency +4% (max 35%)
- Nether Wart: purity -3% (min 0%), strength +2% (max 40%), efficiency -2% (min 1%)
- Gold ingot: strength -1% (min 0%), efficiency +1% (max 30%)
- Iron ingot: strength -2% (min 0%), efficiency +1% (max 20%)
- Snowball: purity +1% (max 30%), efficiency +1% (max 40%)
The crystallizer is a machine that takes RF and RCL and slowly crystallize it into the final end product: a crystal. This machine needs a tank below it and will produce the crystals inside it which will be put in the internal slot once ready.
The actual powergenerator is a multiblock with a power bank and an energy collector on top. You can place crystals nearby manually or else use a pedestal to automate this. When it works a beam of power will shoot out from the crystal towards the beam receptor. Depending on the size of the generator multiblock more crystals can be supported. One generator block can do two crystals maximum.
Regarding difficulty. I see five stages that my mod can be used:
- Easy mode: In early game you can easily get a relatively small powergen going with minimal machines. The crystals will not be pure but since they don't generate a lot of power this will not be a big problem. The polution will be restricted to a small area. Additionally I plan to add ways to reduce the effects of radiation that will be effective for these low levels only (so you cannot use these techniques for higher levels of polution). In this mode you just need crystals that you find in the world, a generator, an energy collector and a generator controller.
- Moderate mode: In this mode you will create your own crystals by collecting the ore in the world and putting it in a smelter. The crystals made by this are stronger but also rather impure. You need a smelter, some tanks and a crystalizer in addition to the generator. A pedestal can help to automate placement of crystals.
- Normal mode: In this mode you will generate good amounts of power with almost no polution. In this mode the polution will be low enough that you can endure it or you can build a shielded room around it to contain it. This mode requires that you purify the generated liquid before sending it to the generator. You need a purifier and optionally a valve (depending on how you do it). In this mode you will be able to make crystals that produce up to 1700RF/tick.
- Harder mode: In this mode your crystals will be 100% pure so you'll have no polution. Making crystals 100% pure requires additional steps however. The normal purification multiblock cannot get crystals up to this level. In this mode you need a laser and a lens. You will be able to make crystals that go up to 20000RF/tick.
- Extreme mode: For really high power generation you'll have to go to this mode. In this mode you will overgenerate power from your crystals. That means that even with 100% pure crystals you will still get polution since you're asking more from them then is normal. This kind of usage will generate massive amounts of polution so shielding is essential. Even a small breach can cause major issues and having a crystal exploding at this stage is most likely going to result in a crater where your base was before. This is not implemented yet!
One crystal will need 32 ores to generate. One ore will melt into 100mB of RCL.
An average naturally spawned crystal will produce 38 RF/tick and have a total power production of about 350000 RF.
The best naturally spawned crystal that is possible produces 104 RF/tick and has a total power production of 1560000 RF.
The best (not overcharged) crystal possible has 20000 RF/tick and a total power production of 500000000 RF.