This is a work in progress, if you experience any problems feel free to make an issue or contribute with a PR.
some notes:
- This plugin looks for an existing running tailwind LSP server.
- Under the hood this plugin uses the LSP hover functionality, if this is altered significantly in the tailwind LSP server this plugin can break.
When you apply a lot of classes in tailwind, it can be taxing to read through all of them and think about what each one does.
Install using your favorite plugin manager.
use({ "MaximilianLloyd/tw-values.nvim" })
keys = {
{ "<leader>sv", "<cmd>TWValues<cr>", desc = "Show tailwind CSS values" },
opts = {
border = "rounded", -- Valid window border style,
show_unknown_classes = true, -- Shows the unknown classes popup
focus_preview = true, -- Sets the preview as the current window
copy_register = "", -- The register to copy values to,
keymaps = {
copy = "<C-y>" -- Normal mode keymap to copy the CSS values between {}
Right now the configurtion options are quite minmal.
border = "rounded", -- Valid window border style,
show_unknown_classes = true, -- Shows the unknown classes popup
focus_preview = false, -- Sets the preview as the current window
copy_register = "", -- The register to copy values to,
keymaps = {
copy = "<C-y>" -- Normal mode keymap to copy the CSS values between {}
- See the computed values of TW classes.
- Copy CSS values with focus_preview=true, very usefull when porting over to normal CSS.
The currently supported languages are the following:
- typescriptreact
- typescript
- astro
- vue
- svelte
- html
Uses HTML parser as fallback, which works for a lot of variants. Like htmldjango etc.