These are my personal configurations for Linux, tailored to enhance productivity and streamline workflows. They are designed to be lightweight, modular, and easy to manage.
- Window Managers: Configurations for Hyprland and BSPWM.
- Development Tools: Pre-configured for Python, Rust, Flutter, and more).
- Automation: Managed with chezmoi for consistent setup across systems.
Make sure you have chezmoi
installed. You can install it by following the official guide.
Run the following command to initialize my dotfiles with chezmoi:
chezmoi init --apply MatheusTT
If you want to install everything, do this:
curl -fsSl >$HOME/
# verify the script if you don't need/want to install/configure something
sh $HOME/
- Window Manager: BSPWM
- Wayland Compositor: Hyprland
- Xorg Terminal: st
- Wayland Terminal: foot
- AppLauncher: rofi
- Bar and Widgets: eww
- Neovim Distro: LazyVim
- GTK Theme: Kanagawa
- Icon Theme: Papirus
- Cursor Theme: cz-Hickson-Black
- Fonts: JetBrains Mono, Caskaydia Cove (both Nerd Fonts)
: Contains configurations for window managers, terminal, and other applications..local/share/themes/
: Houses theme and cursor files..local/bin/
: Simple scripts used across the entire system.scripts/
: Custom scripts for automation and other tasks.
If you have suggestions or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
These dotfiles are provided as-is and are free to use or modify. If you share them, a credit would be appreciated.