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Matan edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the official HandBones wiki.


HandBones is designed to remove mundane tasks from website development. Letting you focus on the important stuff, like awesome rollover effects. ;-) Your website is configured via an external xml file, where you map out how your site will react, track and function.

What makes HandBones different from other website frameworks?

HandBones is written with and for Robotlegs and using the magic of SwiftSuspenders to inject dependencies. HandBones aims to build modular websites, but still function as one application. Thus we have the Page tier added to the Robotlegs MVCS. Each page will be is own swf, compiled from your application. Giving you the freedom to have “heavy” pages with a lot of assets to pages that are relatively small. No cross compiling will occur. Pages are automatically wired to your application when they are loaded. Pages simulate a new context, making it easy to make new injection rules and view mappings. These rules will automatically be unmapped once the page has been shutdown and destroyed.


HandBones depends on a few libraries, but these are all be compiled into the HandBones swc.