Digital personal assistants help people to drive cars, plan their day, and buy things online. In a sense, they are simplified versions of artificial intelligence with whom you can talk.
In this project, a simple chatbot who can teach some programming, is created.
For the first stage, our bot displays a greeting, its name, and the year it was created. First impressions count!
Stage implementation: Stage_1.kt
Hello! My name is Love.
I was created in 2023
The greeting part is great, but chatbots are also supposed to interact with a user. This functionality is implemented in this stage.
Stage implementation: Stage_2.kt
Hello! My name is Love.
I was created in 2023.
Please, remind me your name.
> Max
What a great name you have, Max!
It's time to make our bot smarter. In this stage, the functionality of guessing a user's age is implemented.
It works as follows:
- The bot asks the user for the remainder of their age by the numbers 3, 5, and 7
- It calculates the age using the following formula:
age = (remainder3 * 70 + remainder5 * 21 + remainder7 * 15) % 105
- Eventually, it prints out the calculated age, as well as an inspiring message.
Stage implementation: Stage_3.kt
Hello! My name is Love.
I was created in 2023.
Please, remind me your name.
> Max
What a great name you have, Max!
Let me guess your age.
Enter remainders of dividing your age by 3, 5 and 7.
> 1
> 2
> 1
Your age is 22; that's a good time to start programming!
Everything starts with counting. Shouldn't our bot know that? 😉
In this stage, the bot can count to any positive number the user provides.
Stage implementation: Stage_4.kt
Hello! My name is Love. I was created in 2023. Please, remind me your name.
Max What a great name you have, Max! Let me guess your age. Enter remainders of dividing your age by 3, 5 and 7. 1 2 1 Your age is 22; that's a good time to start programming! Now I will prove to you that I can count to any number you want. 5 0! 1! 2! 3! 4! 5! Completed, have a nice day!
At the final stage, our bot is improved so that it can give the user a test and check their answers. The test should be a multiple-choice quiz about programming with any number of options.
The bot has will repeat the test until they answer correctly and congratulate them upon completion.
Stage implementation: Stage_5.kt
Hello! My name is Love.
I was created in 2023.
Please, remind me your name.
> Max
What a great name you have, Max!
Let me guess your age.
Enter remainders of dividing your age by 3, 5 and 7.
> 1
> 2
> 1
Your age is 22: that's a good time to start programming!
Now I will prove to you that I can count to any number you want.
> 3
Let's test your programming knowledge.
Why do we use methods?
1. To repeat a statement multiple times.
2. To decompose a program into several small subroutines.
3. To determine the execution time of a program.
4. To interrupt the execution of a program.
> 4
Please, try again.
> 2
Congratulations, have a nice day!