26.10 | 10:45 - 12:15hrs : Intro --> Frank, Motivation (--> all)
27.10 | 14 - 18hr : Basic programming concepts => python's basic syntax --> Henrik
01.11 | 14 - 18hr : Scientific programming w/python (i) : basic numpy and matplotlib --> Flo
14.11 | 14 - 18hr : Scientific programming w/python (ii) : advanced numpy and scipy --> Frank
29.11 | 8:15 - 10hr : Special topic! image processing --> Norma + own project (present question)
01.12 | 8:15 - 10hr : Special topic! (pandas (--> ?)) own project
05.12 | 14 - 18hr : Project presentation
- what is python?
- why python?
- how to use python? (interactive interpreter, scripts/programs, notebooks)
- the python ecosystem (numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ...)
- Frank :
- Norma :
- Henrik :
- Flo : Music Genre Classifier
- presentations
- exercises
- projects (3 backup projects)
- Frank :
- Norma : image processing
- Henrik :
- Flo :
data types, data containers, loading data
loops, functions, modules
. . .
- basic linear algebra
- scientific visualisation with matplotlib
- advanced numpy
- scipy
image processing (29.11)
code testing
inter-phasing with C
advanced python: decorators, context editors
python and the open science movement (jupyter-notebook)