Rain Barrel ⛅ An Automated Weather Data Collection Service.
- Collects current weather data on a location using a zip code
- Uses multiple sources to average out data
- Data gathered is periodically saved on Mongo Data base
Rain Barrel uses a number of other projects to work properly:
- Wttr.in - An console-oriented weather forecast service.
- OpenWeather - OpenWeather provides historical, current and forecasted weather data via light-speed APIs
Rain Barrel was created using Node.js v12.18.1. Previous versions of Node have not been tested yet.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies.
$ cd rain-barrel
$ npm install
Add environment variables Create a default.json file in /rain-barrel/config/default.json Fill in the environmental variables with your values
"port": 5000,
"mongoUri": "mongo-Uri-From-Mongodb.com/cloud/atlas",
"updaterFreqMin": 60,
"zipcode": "12345",
"openWeatherMapKey": "api-Key-For-Openweathermap.org/",
"printData": true
Starting development environment
$ npm run dev
Starting production environment
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
- Refactor some files that have functions into a utils folder or something similar
- Create a routes folder where you will have the route to grab our data through json
- Decide how you will delete old data to prevent the database from getting too big (delete after 1 year? etc.)
- Write up this README.md (show how to set this app up with config/default.json, etc.)
- When grabbing data, use a few different APIs and average out the data from all APIs to get an average temperature