Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a Full Stack developer and programming instructor. I started my career early, at the age of 13, focusing on modern web technologies such as Javascript, Typescript, Node.js, MongoDB, MySQL, Docker, React.js and other related technologies. I'm a real programming nerd, I love studying new things and keeping up to date!
- ✉️ You can contact me at https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucas-felipe
- ✅ Web Development (FullStack, FrontEnd & BackEnd): Typescript, Javascript, React.js, Node.js, Express, HTML, CSS, Next.js, Swagger, Bootstrap, Material-UI, Mongoose and ORMs
- ✅ Testing and Quality: Jest and Cypress
- ✅ Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis
- ✅ Environments and Tools: Docker, Git and Linux
- ✅ Technical Concepts: Microservices, Clean Architecture, MVC, OOP, TDD, DDD, SOLID and Design Patterns
- ✅ Languages: Intermediate Portuguese and English (I can write, read and listen well)
- ✅ Soft Skills: Accelerated learning and memorization, ability to understand abstract concepts, proactivity, insatiable desire to always learn new things, logical reasoning, knowing how to deal with and respect different opinions and worldviews, professional and personal ethics, communication (in development), ability to make decisions good decisions under pressure