I was working on a WooCommerce project where I used the Storefront theme. At some point I decided test the website on mobile and I was startled by how ugly the mobile navigation looked when you have multiple levels of submenus so I decided to fix this mess.
At first I thought that I could override Storefront's navigation functionality with PHP but pretty soon I realized that I don't really want to do that at all :D and I also realized that with some JavaScript, jQuery and CSS magic this all can be fixed really easily.
All of the files in this repository are meant to be installed as a child theme to storefront so here are the steps below:
- Download the whole repository using this link or the green "Clone or download" button on the GitHub interface
- In your WordPress installation in
create a new folderstorefront-child
and dump all the files that you downloaded there. - Go to the admin panel of your WordPress and navigate to
Appearance -> Themes
and activate the child theme. - Enjoy (If you give this repository a start that will also be appreciated) :D