Build an online trivia game as a Single Page Application using the Vue.js framework (version 3.x).
Used the Vue-js framework to build the following screens into this trivia game:
The start screen Where the application starts. Capture a username using an input. Register if new, login if username already exists.
The selection screen The user select the difficulty, number of questions and category. The user click on a button to start playing.
The question screen One question at a time is displayed. The user answer the question and move on to the next question. When all the questions has been answered the user will be presented with the result screen.
The result screen The question screen show all the questions along with the correct- and user's answers plus display the total score. The user can press a button to return to the start screen or replay with different questions, with the same difficulty level and category.
- NPM/Node.js (LTS - Long Term Support Version)
- Vue-3 setup
- Volar
- Vue CLI
- Vuex
- Vue-Router
- Tailwind
- Visual Studio Code
The project:
Install Tailwind. Use the Command Prompt or similar:
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
npx tailwindcss init -p
Run in Command prompt or similar:
cd Assignment-2-Trivia-Game
npm install
code .
Open in Visual Studio Code, run in terminal:
npm install vue-router@4
npm install vuex@4
npm run dev
Christian Neij @Loathed94 Leon Listo @TheNeonLeon Anna Hallberg @Haruberi
No license.