Install the clodius package:
pip install clodius
And use it aggregate a bigWig file:
clodius aggregate bigwig ~/Downloads/E116-DNase.fc.signal.bigwig
The output files can then be displayed using the higlass-docker container. For more information about viewing these types of files take a look at the higlass wiki.
The recommended way to develop clodius
is to use a conda environment and
install clodius
with develop mode:
python develop
Note that making changes to the clodius/fast.pyx
cython module requires an
explicit recompile step:
python build_ext --inplace
The unit tests for clodius can be run using nosetests:
nosetests tests
Individual unit tests can be specified by indicating the file and function they are defined in:
nosetests test/
If you don't have your own, get some sample data:
mkdir -p /tmp/clodius/input
mkdir -p /tmp/clodius/output
curl \
> /tmp/clodius/input/sample.short.bed
Then install Docker, and pull and run the Clodius image:
docker stop clodius;
docker rm clodius;
docker pull gehlenborglab/clodius # Ensure that you have the latest.
docker run -v /tmp/clodius/input:/tmp/ \
gehlenborglab/clodius \
clodius aggregate bigwig /tmp/file.bigwig
ls /tmp/clodius/input # Should contain the output file
If you already have a good location for your input and output files,
reference that in the -v
arguments above, instead of /tmp/clodius
The other scripts referenced below can be wrapped similarly.