- Multi-Juicer (https://github.com/iteratec/multi-juicer)
- Multi-user OWASP Juice Shop (https://github.com/bkimminich/juice-shop)
- CTFd for scoreboard (https://github.com/CTFd/CTFd)
This will require a fully working kubernetes server, which is well beyond the scope of this document. It can easily run on a single-node server, with enough resources.
For resources, I would recommend:
- At least 2 CPU, plus at least 0.25 CPU for each player
- At least 1.5GB RAM, plus 200MB RAM for each player
- Negligable storage space, over-and-above kubernetes requirements. 10GB is lots.
This setup requires a kubernetes ingress controller to exist on your kubernetes server.
Your user must have access to kubectl
and docker
commands on the server. Docker access through sudo
is fine, as long as you have the ability to run Docker commands.
We're using CTFd for a scoreboard: https://github.com/CTFd/CTFd / https://ctfd.io/
git clone https://github.com/CTFd/CTFd
cd CTFd
sudo docker build -t ctfd:latest .
The tag of this docker image must match the image name in /scoreboard/CTFd/ctfd.yml.
Edit /scoreboard/CTFd/ctfd.yml with the appropriate domain name (which you should point at your kubernetes server).
Also edit the ConfigMap section with any settings you'd like to apply.
Deploy it to Kubernetes:
kubectl apply -f ctfd.yml
This configuration does not save anything outside of the container, so if your container restarts, all progress and data will be lost. Setting up a volume in kubernetes can get a bit complicated, and is beyond the scope of this readme file.
More detailed instructions can be found on their GitHub: https://github.com/iteratec/multi-juicer
You will need helm: https://helm.sh/
helm repo add multi-juicer https://iteratec.github.io/multi-juicer/
git clone https://github.com/iteratec/multi-juicer.git
Edit ./multi-juicer/helm/multi-juicer/values.yaml (or use the one from this repo).
Things you should edit: Change the ctfKey value before deploying. This will change the flag values so that they are unique to your event.
When it's configured to your satisfaction, install multi-juicer:
helm install -f ./multi-juicer/helm/multi-juicer/values.yaml multi-juicer ./multi-juicer/helm/multi-juicer/
To restart the multi-juicer environment, delete it, then re-install it:
helm delete multi-juicer
You may need to restart or delete instances of the Juice Shop, and for that you'll need to join the "admin" team. The password for this team is random each time you deploy Multi-Juicer. You can find the password by ssh'ing to the server and running the following command (with a user that has kubectl access)
kubectl get secrets juice-balancer-secret -o=jsonpath='{.data.adminPassword}' | base64 --decode
Make sure you've customized the ctfKey in the Multi-Juicer config, so that yours is unique.
https://www.npmjs.com/package/juice-shop-ctf-cli https://github.com/bkimminich/juice-shop-ctf
This does not need to be done on the server.
sudo apt install npm
sudo npm install -g juice-shop-ctf-cli
Follow the prompts.
The script reads the challenges from your JuiceShop server, so don't give it a Multi-Juicer url, or the script will fail. Use the default (https://juice-shop.herokuapp.com), or point it to a standalone instance of Juice Shop somewhere else. The important thing here is that your ctfKey matches the one in your config file.
Retrieve the file that this script makes, and import it into the scoreboard:
- Instructions for CTFd: https://pwning.owasp-juice.shop/part1/ctf.html#running-ctfd
- Instructions for RootTheBox: https://pwning.owasp-juice.shop/part1/ctf.html#running-rootthebox