This repository shares my insights into the exciting field of computational optics, where the principles of optics meet the power of computer science.
In a nutshell, Computational Optics combines the study of light (optics) with the problem-solving power of computational science, particularly its expertise in tackling intricate inverse problems.
Delving into computational optics requires a foundation in either optics or computer science. Since undergraduate programs often specialize in one discipline, it is more possible to make significant contributions to this field by focusing deeply on one area.
My background exemplifies this approach. My undergraduate studies and Ph.D. research in Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering and Optical Engineering solidified my foundation in optics. While computational science is crucial for solving inverse problems, I primarily leverage existing algorithms with occasional modifications to serve my specific needs.
It should be noted that computational optics is fascinating but far from a simple combination, which is what I'm going to disseminate in the future. Due to my current commitments as a postdoctoral researcher, updates may be sporadic. However, I plan to contribute regularly whenever time allows.